Silver Pagoda

Silver Pagoda – is the most important architectural object that has come to us since 1896. The temple belongs to the valuable historical buildings of Phnom Penh, which belongs to Cambodia. The founder of the Silver Pagoda is King Norodom Sihanouk, who ruled in those days.

Silver Pagoda

The design has a very original and beautiful view. The material of this magnificent building is wood. But its name is Silver, it got not just like that, but because of silver blocks on the floor, which are a real decoration of the interior of Pagoda. The weight of one silver tile is about one kilogram, and there are at least 5 thousand of them. Blocks are firmly nailed to the floor to avoid theft.

The main building of the Silver Pagoda contains the national wealth of the country. The main sculpture of the temple is the Emerald Buddha, the material for the construction of which is the crystals of baccarat. This statue dates back to the 17th century and thanks to it, Pagoda is also called Emerald. Near the Emerald Buddha there is an equally valuable sculpture of the same Buddha, only of gold. As many as 90 kg of this precious metal went to her. Its decoration is diamond stones, of which there are as many as 9584 pieces. The largest of them reaches as many as 25 carats. The clothes of the golden Buddha are the royal regalia, at the command of the king.

Silver Pagoda

There is also Buddha, who is made of bronze. Its weight is 80 kg. There is also a marble Buddha in Pagoda, which was made by Burmese craftsmen. The throne of the king was determined in the temple, some parts of which are poured out of gold. During the coronation, this throne was able to transfer 12 people.

Visitors to the Silver Pagoda, before entering the middle of the room, take off their shoes and hats.

Pagoda in Cambodia – is an extremely beautiful, chic place where Khmer civilization is represented at the highest level. The environment of the temple is a wall six hundred meters long, which is generously decorated with frescoes with scenes of the most important events of the Khmer state. The entrance to the majestic structure is the lattice gate. In front of the building is the Angkorvat model, which is surrounded by a moat filled with clean water. Here they breed fish that serve as a wonderful living decoration.

The territory also houses a bell tower and steps, where the remains of King Suromarit and Queen Kossomak are stored. The mortar is generously embellished by carvings and various figures. The main building of the Silver Weather has a white color and a magnificent view, which is led by a chic marble staircase.

A trip to this area will be a significant event in your life.

Silver Pagoda Silver Pagoda Silver Pagoda Silver Pagoda Silver Pagoda Silver Pagoda
Silver Pagoda - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 11.55
Longitude: 104.916667


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