Jokhang Temple

The Jokhang Temple is a sacred place in Tibet; every year thousands of Buddhist pilgrims strive to get to the holy place. According to reviews, ordinary tourists also feel protected by the extraordinary places of Tibet. In China they say that New Year in a monastery is a colorful holiday that will be remembered forever and will become a vivid memory of a trip abroad.

Jokhang Temple

History of Jokhang Temple

Ruler Songtsen Gumbo, while meditating, rose above the earth and saw the outlines of the Tibetan mountains. They resembled the body of a demon lord lying on her back. To contain the dark forces, Gambo decided to build the Buddhist temple Jokhang. One of Emperor Wenchiong's wives determined that the heart of the devil lord was located right in Lake Ohtang. Construction began in 639 AD.

The lake was filled in, and at the end of 647 the Jokhang Temple was erected. The Little Jokhang (Ramoche) was built nearby. The Chinese wife Wencheng permanently lived here and the brought statue of Jowo Buddha was kept. A total of 12 temples were erected. The buildings formed 3 circles, four objects on each side of the world (north, south, west, east). It was believed that the first circle held back the she-devil's corps on the ground of Lhasa. The second circle held the knees and elbows, and the third circle held the legs and arms.

Jokhang Temple

When the Dalai Lama V came to power in the 17th century, some buildings were restored. The walls of the temple were supplemented with bas-reliefs and paintings. During the Cultural Revolution, the holy place fell into disrepair. The monastery was restored, but we had to spend a lot of time studying historical material.

Temple attractions

The main treasure of the Jokhang Temple is the Jowo Buddha, a 150-centimeter-high statue of a 12-year-old son from the Shakya dynasty. Many believe in the fulfillment of their cherished desires. The supplicant must bow before the Buddha with good intentions and be sure to touch his feet with his head. Currently, the image of the statue appears more complete than before. This happened because the sculpture was covered with gold plating many times.

Many sacred statues can be found throughout the Jokhang Temple. The approximate number is about 800 sculptures. Tourists enjoy:

  • wall painting;
  • ancient masterpieces of wooden objects;
  • tapestry.

In China they say that monks often see images that appear on their own. The sacred path, Barkhor, stretches in a large circle around the monastery. There is a market in front of the temple every day. Travelers can purchase felt hats, pillows, prayer flags, jewelry, food and other goods.

The holy place Jokhang Temple is located in the center of Lhasa. You can reach the monastery on foot. You can visit the monastery during hours when there is no prayer service. From 8 to 11:30 there is a service; only Buddhists can attend during these hours.

Jokhang Temple Jokhang Temple Jokhang Temple Jokhang Temple Jokhang Temple Jokhang Temple

Nearby attractions

Jokhang Temple - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 29.653056
Longitude: 91.131389


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