Travel blog

Valley of Narcissi

In Transcarpathia, in the tract of Kireshi, there is a unique place - the Valley of the daffodils. Every spring, tourists come here to look at millions of flourishing daffodils. The place is notable for the fact that daffodils in huge quantities here grow at an altitude of only 200 meters above sea...

Summer garden

The summer garden is an amazing park in St. Petersburg, from the very beginning thought of as a residence for Peter I. Initial work on the construction of the garden took place under the personal supervision of Peter I. History of the Summer Garden The first work by garden breakdown began in 1704....


Suzhou is an amazing city spread on the shores of Lake Taihu and the Yangtze River in China. The city is known primarily for its centuries-old gardens and parks, canals and bridges. Merchant and traveler Marco Polo called the city "East Venice". The city was founded back in 514 BC. e. as the capita...

Curonian Spit

Kurskaya Kosa is a national park in the Kaliningrad region, formed in 1987. The park is a strip of sand from Zelenogradsk to the city of Klaipeda in Lithuania, separating the Baltic Sea from the Curonian lagoon. On the Lithuanian part of the braid, the national park of the same name is also formed. ...


Dnieper is one of the longest rivers in Europe, flowing through the territory of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. The total length of the river after straightening the channel is 2200 kilometers. The origins of the river are on the Valdai Upland in the Okovsky Forest. Mighty rivers such as Volga and Dv...

Museum of folk architecture and life of Ukraine

Near the town of Pirogovo is the Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of Ukraine, which contains old architectural buildings and household items from all over Ukraine. Among the people, it is called the Pirogovo Museum. The museum is located on the outskirts of Kiev, on an area of 133 hectares. The...

Gamilton Gardens

In New Zealand, in the town of Hamilton, there is an amazingly beautiful garden located on the banks of the Vaikato River and covering an area of 54 hectares. These gardens are called botanical, but in fact it is a 21 garden, divided by the theme: art, religion, the traditions of decorating the gard...

Garden named after Shevchenko

In the historical center of Kharkov there is an amazing Shevchenko city garden park. The park was named after Taras Shevchenko - a Ukrainian poet and artist. The garden was laid in 1804 by the founder of Kharkov University - Vasily Karazin. He was decided to be broken then on the very edge of the c...


Synevyr is one of the most famous and beautiful lakes in Ukraine, located in Transcarpathia. Here for a wedding photo shoot come from all over Transcarpathia. It is believed that if the newlyweds fell in love with each other on the lake, then they will have strong and long love. The lake appeared a...


Chusovaya is one of the most beautiful rivers in Russia, originating in the Urals and flowing into Kama. Picturesque shores, as well as frequent mention in the literature, made Chusas a popular tourist destination. Origin of the name of the river There are several versions of the origin of the nam...

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