Valley of Narcissi

In Transcarpathia, in the tract of Kireshi, there is a unique place - the Valley of the daffodils. Every spring, tourists come here to look at millions of flourishing daffodils.

Valley of Narcissi

The place is notable for the fact that daffodils in huge quantities here grow at an altitude of only 200 meters above sea level. When, as in nature, in such quantities are found only in the Alps, in the Balkans at an altitude of 1000-2000 meters. The daffodil valley arose after the ice age. Then, together with the glacier, a huge layer of soil came down from the mountains, and melting glaciers only contributed to the acclimatization of narrow-leaved narcissus flowers. After some time, flowers grew on a vast territory, but human economic activity significantly reduced the number of flowers. During the time of the USSR, they wanted to plow the entire valley of daffodils, but they affected only 50 hectares and gave land to the possession of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve. In 1980, narcissus narrow-faced was listed in the Red Book of Ukraine.

The dumpling period of daffodils is dependent on weather conditions, but often the first flowers begin to bloom in early May and closer to mid-May there is a peak of dumpling of daffodils. At this time, everything around is covered with a white carpet of flowers, attracting many tourists to itself. In addition to daffodils, more than 400 species of plants are found in the valley, among which are rare species of orchids, iris, bitterness, kandyk, and scented cocushnik, noodle. Also on the meadows you can see 104 species of birds, among which more often than others you can see oatmeal, gray slides, meadow chekans. Near the Khustets River you can find pheasants, and 20 species of fish live the river itself.

Valley of Narcissi
Valley of Narcissi Valley of Narcissi Valley of Narcissi Valley of Narcissi Valley of Narcissi Valley of Narcissi
Valley of Narcissi - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 48.178333
Longitude: 23.349722


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