Yerevan Zoo

Yerevan zoo invariably leaves a lot of positive emotions for both children and adults.

Yerevan Zoo

General information

The history of the zoo in the city of Yerevan began in 1941. Then there were not as many animals here as today, but the park staff and the city administration actively participated in the creation of this space. During the war years, life was hard for many, but the financing of the zoo continued, funds were allocated for this directly from Moscow. With great difficulty, the zoo survived martial law without critical losses.

In the early years of the existence of the zoo in Yerevan, no more than 200 representatives of various species lived here, today this number has already passed the mark of 2000 and continues to grow. Animals here feel very well, they are constantly cared for and veterinary control is carried out. It is not recommended to bring treats with you in order not to spoil the diet of local residents.

Yerevan Zoo

The entrance to the zoo is highlighted by a large stone arch guarded by a lion. Further on from two sides you can see the box office where tickets are sold. The prices here are very affordable, an adult ticket is slightly more expensive than a child ticket. Yerevan Zoo is open daily from 10 am. With small children, it is best to walk here on weekdays, in the morning, while it is not very hot outside, and the zoo is not too crowded. Going further from the ticket office, you can see a large glassed-in enclosure with brown bears. Excellent conditions have been created for the animals, they have enough water for regular bathing, there are places for games, relaxation and solitude. Watching their measured life or funny games is very exciting.

In another large paddock you can see red sika deer gracefully pacing their territory. There are other artiodactyls here, all of them walking around their stalls waiting for feeding time. Local giants - hippos and elephants evoke vivid emotions in the public. Both of them exist in their own separate worlds, if you wish, you can see them quite close, but, of course, you can’t touch and feed them.

There are also many birds in the Yerevan Zoo, as well as a large settlement of primates. A lot of spectators always gather to watch the feeding of the monkeys. Their favorite treat is fresh fruit. They eat very actively, scream, jump, take away the best pieces from each other. It is interesting and pleasant to move around the park; visitors note the clean and well-groomed territory. The park has many interesting trees and shrubs, flowering flower beds. For those who got tired during the walk, there are benches in the shade of sprawling trees. There are small cafes with ice cream and soft drinks on the territory. For the youngest guests, there are carousels and a train, you won't get bored here.

Yerevan Zoo is a great place for a family vacation. Its diverse inhabitants live here surrounded by care, which is very valuable and important.

Yerevan Zoo Yerevan Zoo Yerevan Zoo Yerevan Zoo Yerevan Zoo Yerevan Zoo
Yerevan Zoo - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 40.196
Longitude: 44.5505


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