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Cathedral of Peter and Paul in Pec

The Cathedral of Peter and Paul in Pec stands in the old part of the city on Dome Square. The religious shrine bears the honorary title of minor basilica, which is assigned to especially significant Catholic churches by the Pope or the Congregation for Divine Worship. It is believed that less than 2...

Fisherman's Bastion

The Fisherman's Bastion is one of the most famous monuments in Budapest, located near Buda Castle. It has a weak relationship with fishermen and does not perform a defensive function, like a real bastion, but it is one of the most important attractions in the country. History of Fisherman's Bastion ...

Andrássy Avenue

Andrassy Avenue is considered another attraction of the capital of Hungary, which is worth visiting at least once in your life. In society, the avenue is called Budapest's Champs Elysees. He was named after the Austrian-Hungarian Foreign Minister Gyula Andrássy. History of Andrássy Avenue Initially,...

Church of the Transfiguration of Szentendre

The Transfiguration Church of Szentendre is considered a symbol of the city. Szentendre was founded by Serbs. This is one of the largest historical "corners" in all of Hungary. There are a large number of churches and various buildings from the 16th to 19th centuries, as well as many historical and ...

Heroes' Square in Budapest

Heroes' Square in Budapest is one of the famous squares of the Hungarian capital. It is located in Pest, and townspeople are advised to start their journey around the country with this landmark, which was decorated to celebrate the millennium of Hungary. There are several monuments concentrated here...

Városliget Park

Városliget Park is called one of the favorite places for walking for residents and guests of the Hungarian capital. It is located next to Heroes' Square. Once upon a time, this territory was the hunting grounds of King Matthias, which was a difficult swampy area. History of Városliget Park Under Leo...

Lake Balaton

Lake Balaton is recognized as the largest freshwater lake in Western Europe, it is located in Hungary. Once upon a time, a very long time ago, there was a real sea in this place, but the landscape has changed over time, and the size of the reservoir has decreased significantly. Despite this, some pe...

Museum of Terror in Budapest

The Museum of Terror in Budapest is located in the building of the former Hungarian State Security Administration. It is dedicated to the tragic periods of the country's totalitarian history. According to visitors' reviews: it is not recommended to come here with small children and very impressionab...

Lace Museum in Bruges

The Lace Museum in Bruges was built as a tribute to the memory that lace saved many urban families from poverty and hunger. Everyone knows the well-established phrase “Brussels lace,” but historically, it was the residents of Bruges who were the first in Belgium to weave the finest works of art. His...

Museum of Ceramics Margit Kovacs

The Margit Kovács Ceramics Museum was built in the Baroque style at the beginning of the 18th century. This place displays the works of a Hungarian ceramicist and sculptor. In 2011, the exhibition was expanded and reorganized. Here you can not only get acquainted with the works of a famous person, b...

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