Cathedral of Peter and Paul in Pec

The Cathedral of Peter and Paul in Pec stands in the old part of the city on Dome Square. The religious shrine bears the honorary title of minor basilica, which is assigned to especially significant Catholic churches by the Pope or the Congregation for Divine Worship. It is believed that less than 2,000 Catholic churches on the planet bear the title of minor basilica, and almost a third of them are in Italy. The temple is the cathedral of the Catholic diocese of the Latin rite with its center in the city of Pecs.

Cathedral of Peter and Paul in Pec

Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

The Cathedral of Peter and Paul in Pec was named after the saints who were companions of Jesus Christ, and laid a solid foundation for the Christian faith. Saint Peter was a poor fisherman; he immediately believed the Savior. After the Ascension of the Lord, he led the 12 apostles and the Christian community in Jerusalem. He gave his life for his teacher and accepted death on the cross. According to legend, he considered himself unworthy to die like Christ. Therefore, he demanded that he be crucified upside down. Saint Peter died in Rome at the end of the reign of Emperor Nero between 64 and 67.

The Holy Apostle Paul was a Roman citizen before meeting Jesus, the persecutor of Christians. After meeting Christ, Paul became a courageous apostle of Christ. He built a new faith, made missionary journeys, experienced torment and went to death for Christ. Paul died in Rome by the sword in 65 or 67. Both apostles, Paul and Peter, died on June 29.

Cathedral of Peter and Paul in Pec

History of the Cathedral of Peter and Paul in Pec

The first wooden chapel on the site of the future basilica was built by early Christians in the 4th century. On the site of present-day Hungary there was a Roman province. The building burned down in a fire in 1064. At this place, by order of the first Hungarian king St. Stephen, the Pecs diocese was founded, and construction of a cathedral, grandiose for those times, began. The temple was constantly expanded and completed, during the construction process there was a change and mixing of architectural styles. The Cathedral of Peter and Paul in Pec absorbed all existing architectural trends. During Ottoman rule, the building was used as a mosque.

At the beginning of the 19th century, architect Mihai Pollak began another renovation in the style of classicism, which was then fashionable. However, by the end of the century, the main facade was decorated with pointed arches, which give the building a Gothic flavor. And by the middle of the 20th century, figures of the twelve apostles appeared on the southern pediment, made by sculptor Antal Karoly.

Exterior view of the Cathedral of Peter and Paul in Pec

The height of the cathedral is not amazing; the main part of the temple reaches 22 meters. But the cathedral towers rise 60 meters above the ground. They give the building a Gothic sophistication. But the bell of the western tower of the Cathedral of Peter and Paul in Pec is one of the largest in the country. The interior decoration of the building is also striking in its luxury. The walls are painted with frescoes, sculptures of saints are covered with gilding.

The walls of the Cathedral of Peter and Paul in Pec are remembered by many great people. In the 15th century, Janus Pannonius preached here, and Franz Liszt played the cathedral organ. At the end of the 20th century, the cathedral was visited by Pope John Paul II.

Cathedral of Peter and Paul in Pec Cathedral of Peter and Paul in Pec Cathedral of Peter and Paul in Pec Cathedral of Peter and Paul in Pec Cathedral of Peter and Paul in Pec Cathedral of Peter and Paul in Pec
Cathedral of Peter and Paul in Pec - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 46.078611
Longitude: 18.223333


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