Museum of Terror in Budapest

The Museum of Terror in Budapest is located in the building of the former Hungarian State Security Administration. It is dedicated to the tragic periods of the country's totalitarian history. According to visitors' reviews: it is not recommended to come here with small children and very impressionable adults.

Museum of Terror in Budapest

History of the Museum of Terror in Budapest

Budapest has many iconic places to visit with the whole family or alone, but one attraction in the Hungarian capital stands out, and that is the Budapest Terror Museum. It evokes mixed feelings: some find pleasure even in the most terrible pages of the history of the Hungarian people, while others come out with the most unpleasant sensations. This unusual attraction is located in the city center, on the famous Andrássy Avenue.

The building was built in 1880. It was originally conceived as a residential building and at one time it was. The situation changed in the late 30s of the last century, when the far-right party began to achieve great power. At first, the Nazis rented several apartments in a nice mansion, then they were able to buy the entire building, making it their headquarters. In those days, party leaders came up with the name “House of Loyalty” for it. By the end of 1937, the house began to be associated with fear: torture was carried out in the basements of the former light structure. In 1944, the political police were stationed here. In 1945, the communists came to power. The building was renamed the Hungarian National Security Office. But it did not lose its significance: here they continued to torture all those dissatisfied with the communist regime, including those falsely accused. In the 50s, the reconstruction carried out destroyed all traces of the crimes committed, the building was sold again, and offices and entertainment clubs were located here. In 2002, the building was repurposed as a museum.

Museum of Terror in Budapest

Description of the Museum of Terror in Budapest

The building is easily recognizable by its gray cladding walls and black stripes on the sides, and the huge letters “Terror” installed on the roof of the building horizontally to the ground. On a sunny day, this unusual design casts ominous shadows on the sidewalk, making both locals and visiting tourists shiver.

The exhibition of the Museum of Terror in Budapest occupies 2 floors and a basement, so an hour is enough for a quick acquaintance, but a detailed study of all the documents will take more than one day. However, repeat visits to the exhibition are very rare.

Unlike standard museums, the overview of this panopticon begins from the second floor. Visitors are invited to ride in an elevator with transparent walls, and in the shaft itself there are photographs of thousands of people tortured for their views that do not coincide with the opinions of the ruling elite. According to rough estimates, 10% of the country's population fell victims of repression. This is followed by documents from the archives, personal belongings of prisoners and investigators. One of the rooms reproduces the official atmosphere of the interrogator's office.

The first floor of the Museum of Terror in Budapest is dedicated to the placement of socialist realism posters and the recreation of classic red corners. In the basement there are cells where the unfortunates were kept. One of them is so narrow that one could only stand in it, the second is almost completely filled with water, in the third there is a real gallows, in the fourth, fifth, sixth the walls are covered with mats. They were intended for those who, unable to withstand the tests, lost their minds.

Museum of Terror in Budapest Museum of Terror in Budapest Museum of Terror in Budapest Museum of Terror in Budapest Museum of Terror in Budapest Museum of Terror in Budapest
Museum of Terror in Budapest - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 47.506833
Longitude: 19.065139


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