Travel blog

Gallery of Contemporary Art in Milan

The Gallery of Contemporary Art in Milan is a magnificent collection in one room of more than 2,000 exhibits, housed in 50 rooms of the Villa Belgioioso, built during the 18th-19th centuries. Works of art impress admirers of the attraction. Paintings by Picasso, Modigliani, Matiz and other artists a...

Borghese Gallery

The Galleria Borghese is a popular tourist destination in Rome. Every year, crowds of tourists learn interesting stories and admire the collection of masterpieces - various objects of art. Below will be described facts about the famous attraction, opened in 1902. The creation of the gallery is assoc...

Accademia Gallery in Florence

The Accademia Gallery in Florence is also called the Academy of Fine Arts. This is the most popular museum in the city on the Arno River. The institution houses famous exhibits, among which the most famous is the sculpture David, created by Michelangelo. In addition, the visitor is presented with un...

Villa Medici

Villa Medici is named after the great Italian family. Today there is an Academy of Arts here, which is freely visited by tourists from all over the world. Everyone who has been here says that this place has a special atmosphere. People come here in search of history and in the hope of finding inspir...

Venetian Arsenal

From the beginning of the 12th century, the Venetian Arsenal was the heart of the city's maritime industry. It covers quite a large area and is a clear sign of how important this industry was in Venice. The arsenal was even quoted in Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy called Arzana. The name has an int...

Botanical Garden of Pisa

The Botanical Garden of Pisa is recognized as one of the oldest in the world. The Italians say that when visiting this city, every tourist should visit the garden, located on an area of three hectares. The attraction belongs to the territory of the university, which you can visit any day. History of...

Botanical Garden of Lucca

The Botanical Garden of Lucca was founded in 1820 by Maria Luisa, Duchess of Parma. The city of Lucca is called the territory of one hundred churches. But in addition to the abundance of religious buildings and ancient houses, there is a cozy botanical garden, which, according to local residents, is...

Flea market in Navigli

The Navigli flea market is Milan's liveliest and most romantic area, but the place has a complicated history. There was a period when, due to the need for water supply, its entire territory was completely dug up, creating channels for laying pipes, which were subsequently hidden under the ground. Th...

Library Marciana

The Marciana Library, also known as the Sansovino Library, was created thanks to the sponsorship of Cardinal Bessarion. In 1468 he donated his collection of about 750 codes, to which he later added 250 manuscripts and printed works. Designed by the architect Jacopo Sansovino, this building is one of...

Vatican Library

The Vatican Library is recognized as one of the largest libraries in the world. Its full name is the Vatican Apostolic Library. It has a rich history, which is covered in secrets and mysticism, which attracts the attention of people from all over the planet. It is believed that it appeared in the 4t...

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