Mount Kailash

Mount Kailash or is one of the mysteries of Western Tibet, which is located in remote and inaccessible places. According to history, not a single conqueror of the peaks managed to reach the final point; this is a sacred place for almost a fifth of the people on the globe. Pilgrims rush to the foot of Kailash to cleanse themselves of earthly sins.

Mount Kailash

Features of a magical place

The highest point of Mount Kailash is 6666 meters. It’s as if it’s breathing, the height rises to 6740 meters and then decreases. Humanity is amazed by its ideal pyramidal shape with a snowy top. This is an immaculate creation of nature with absolutely smooth sides. The southern side of the hill is divided in the center by a crack formed during the earthquake. Approximately in the center it intersects with a horizontal crevice, forming a symbol ─ a cross. The magic sign is visible for tens of kilometers.

It has been proven that at the foot of Mount Kailash hill a person ages faster. Scientists conducted research and determined that 12 hours is approximately equal to 2 weeks. Evidence is confirmed by the growth rate of nails and hair. The mirror effect affects the energy of the sacred place.

Mount Kailash

The main mysteries of Mount Kailash

On the opposite side of the globe in the southeastern part of the Pacific Ocean, Easter Island is located exactly relative to the mountain. The place is famous for its unique landscape with volcanic craters and stone idols. The figures reach up to 10 meters in height, each has its own name.

The lake with clear, living water Mansarovar is located very close. The fresh water reservoir is located at an altitude of 4560 meters above sea level. The water surface is calm in any weather. And at a level of 4515 meters there is a dead lake Rakshas. The water is so salty you can't even touch it. In any weather there is strong excitement and storm on the lake. The two reservoirs are separated by a small isthmus.

The magic number four sixes (6666 kilometers) repeats the distances from Kailash to famous places on Earth:

  • English Stonehenge;
  • north pole;
  • Easter Islands.

And the 6666 kilometers to the south pole must be doubled. Great rivers originate from the sacred four slopes of the mountain:

  • Indus - in the north;
  • Kaligandaki or Sutlej in the western part;
  • Karnali tributary of the Ganges - in the south;
  • Brahmaputra in the eastern part.

The place at the foot of Mount Kailash constantly attracts people's attention.

Journey or rebirth

Many travelers are attracted by the mystery of Mount Kailash. Not only pilgrims strive to get to the foot, but also many tourists. Buddhists, Hindus, Bon adherents, Jains consider the hill to be the “axis of the Earth.” The pilgrimage begins in mid-May and continues until September. The peculiarity of the place is the changeable weather. You must be prepared for temperature changes.

A journey to a sacred place changes a person's worldview. They say that the air is “filled” with bright thoughts. It is believed that a person who has made a pilgrimage to Mount Kailash changes his karma in a positive direction, starts the process of self-knowledge and the beginning of a new life.

Mount Kailash Mount Kailash Mount Kailash Mount Kailash Mount Kailash Mount Kailash
Mount Kailash - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 31.066944
Longitude: 81.312778


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