Tien Shan

The Tien Shan highlands stretch for 2,500,000 km across 5 countries: China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan. The mountain system is cut by ridges, basins, picturesque valleys, and lakes. The Chinese proudly call it “Heavenly Mountains” or “Divine Mountains”. It is of great interest to travelers from different countries, especially among climbers.

Tien Shan

The highest points of the Tien Shan

The average height of the mountains is 4000-5000 meters. Pobeda Peak is located on the border of China and Kyrgyzstan, its height reaches 7439 meters above sea level. Researchers constantly find interesting facts that complement knowledge about the mountain system. The peak of Khan Tegri (Lord of the Skies) is 6995 meters. The peak is located on the borders of China, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan; climbers are attracted by the regular shape of the pyramid. During sunset, the Tien Shan mountain system plunges into darkness. Only "Lord of the Skies" takes on a reddish color. The ancient Turks believed that a ruler lived in this place. For the Chinese it is a “bloody mountain”. The effect of flowing bright red streams is achieved due to the pink marble that is part of the rock.

When to go to Khan Tengri

Conquering the Tien Shan peak is the dream and goal of many climbers. More than dozens of climbing routes have been laid on Khan Tengri. Climbers climb to the top in July and August. On average, it takes up to 3 weeks to conquer the route. The high mountainous part is covered with snow and ice. The number of glaciers exceeds 7,700. Snow caps hanging from the peaks create a danger for climbers. Therefore, amateur groups are accompanied by experienced instructors. Glaciers are a source of fresh water for the population.

Tien Shan

Lakes of the mountain system

The largest lake in the Tien Shan is Issyk-Kul. Located on the territory of Kyrgyzstan. A “warm” body of water never freezes. Lake Tianchi is located in China at an altitude of 1900 meters above sea level, near Urumqi. When traveling in China, it is recommended to visit the locality. The city is famous for its rich history and culture. During its existence, it changed its name many times and was rebuilt.

In ancient times, the local population endowed the reservoir with magical properties. The lake's water reserves are replenished by small tributaries originating from mountain glaciers. The water is clear and clean. You cannot swim in the reservoir even in summer; the water temperature is low even on hot days. All around is pristine nature of incredible beauty.

Fauna and flora of the Tien Shan mountain system

Snow leopards are rarely seen in the mountains. The predator with graceful habits is listed in the Red Book. Variety of birds: larks, hazel grouses, partridges, eagles, bustards.

In spring, tulips bloom in wild meadows. At the foot of the mountains, juniper, golden root, and blackberries grow. You can often find gophers, lizards, snakes, and stomping hares. The Tien Shan mountain system offers fabulous landscapes, clean air, and rare nature. This is a real pearl of China. Many tourists are attracted to this route. Wonderful memories will remain in the memory and in the photo.

Tien Shan Tien Shan Tien Shan Tien Shan Tien Shan Tien Shan
Tien Shan - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 42.0333
Longitude: 80.1333


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