Mount Baiyun

Baiyun Mountain is located a few miles north of Guangzhou, popularly called White Cloud Mountain. Its height is 427 meters, it is one of the most favorite places of Chinese residents and tourists from different countries. People come here to admire the scenery, put their thoughts in order and find inspiration. This place produces atmospheric photographs that will serve as a vivid reminder of your day off.

Mount Baiyun

Description of Baiyun Mountain

It is rightfully one of the main attractions in China. To look at the mountain of white clouds, tourists and climbers fly from all over the world, and the local population goes almost every day to relieve emotional stress. The mountain got its name because of its location and climate. If you climb one of the peaks, you can see how thick clouds lie at the foot of the mountains and cover the entire earth, like a carpet.

On Mount Baiyun you can visit a lot of different attractions, for example: the Banyan Tree Carrying Temple, the Museum of Emperor Nan Yue himself and many others. They also say that there is a lake on the mountain, and its water is so crystal clear that it looks like one continuous mirror. Nowadays, Mount Baiyun has become a full-fledged place for recreation, and recently a cable car was built that takes you to the top of the mountain. One of the largest bird parks in Asia was built; the variety of birds in this area is simply unique, reaching over 1000 species. The flora and fauna are impressive in their beauty, and there are more than 100 thousand species of plants.

Mount Baiyun

History of Baiyun Mountain

It began before our era, but the mountain began to enjoy great popularity at the beginning of the 4th century thanks to the dynasty of that time, the next dynasty considered the mountains the best place to relax, and they spent all their free time on the territory of this mountain. In addition to the mountain of white clouds, it is called the lungs of Guangzhou and the peak that touches the stars. The mountains are considered one of the wonders of the world in Gongzhou.

From the observation deck you can see stunning views of the mountains and the surrounding city. You can get to Baiyun Mountain by bus or car. The local population travels on motorcycles. You can spend the night in hotels in Guangzhou or on the mountain, but due to the huge variety of animals, it is better not to risk it and book a hotel room.

Mount Baiyun Mount Baiyun Mount Baiyun
Mount Baiyun - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 23.186642
Longitude: 113.294749


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