Travel blog

Zhangjiajie National Park

Zhangjiajie is a national park of China, created in 1982 on an area of 13,000 km2 in the mountains of Ulinjuan. These places are known for the fact that the local unique landscapes have become a prototype for the soaring mountains in the James Cameron movie Avatar". The peaks of the Ulinjuan massif...

Freycinet National Park

Freycinet is a national park in eastern Tasmania, spread over the peninsula of the same name and the island of Shuten. The length of the peninsula is about 22 km, and the width is 6.5 km. From the east, the Tasmanian Sea is washed, from the western part of Great Oyster Bay. In 1642, a navigator fro...

Zuid-Kennemerland National Park

Zuid-Kennemerland - Netherlands National Park, spread over 38 km2, near the city of Haarlem. It was founded to protect sand dunes by the North Sea. The national park owns a pepper beach by the sea. Behind the beach there are sand dunes, which close the inner territories from cold winds from the sea...

De Hoge Veluwe National Park

De Hoghe Veluwe is a national park in the Netherlands in the province of Gelderland. The park’s ownership is small, only 55 km2, but nonetheless nature is quite interesting. Here there are such types of reliefs as: sands, vast territories overgrown with heather, swamps, coniferous forests. Sand appe...


Keukenhof is a royal flower park in the Netherlands, also sometimes called the Garden of Europe. A garden is being set in a city called Liss. The park is famous for the fact that almost 5 million tulips of more than a hundred varieties were planted on 32 hectares. Kyokenhof Park has a rich history....

Central Park of New York

New York Central Park is one of America's most famous attractions on Manhattan Island. The size of the park is simply huge - it is almost 3.5 km long and 800 meters wide2. Over 25 million tourists visit him annually. Sometimes he is called "the lungs of Manhattan". The architects Calvert Vox and Fr...

Petrified Forest National Park

Petrifaid Forest is equipped for a park area in the US state of Arizona between Navajo and Holbrook. All elements of this park are – petrified trees consisting of semiprecious stones. In the 20th century, the park was awarded the title of national. Petrifaid Forest was named thanks to the fossils of...

Chapada Diamantina National Park

Chapada Diamantina – is a well-known national reserve owned by Brazil. It is located in the state of Bahia and covers an area of 1,520 km2. Translated, the name of the park sounds like « diamond plateau » for the reason that these jewelry was really discovered here. This area ranks first among the B...

Lençóis Maranhenses National Park

Lençóis Maranhenses is a Brazilian national park located in Maranhão. This area is not much higher than sea level and is covered with sand, which in places reaches 40 meters. In the rainy period, numerous lagoons arise between the sand dunes. The entire reserve covers an area of about 1000 km2, whic...

Dwingelderveld National Park

Dwingelderveld – is a national reserve that belongs to the Netherlands. It is located in one of the provinces called Drente. The main goal of organizing a protected area – is to save the Dwingelderveld wasteland, the largest in all of Western Europe. The national park has dimensions of about 38 km2....

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