Westminster Palace

The Westminster Palace is the hallmark of the UK capital and the seat of its parliament, consisting of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The architectural complex, also known as Parliament, is located in the Westminster area. This masterpiece of architecture includes the historical sights of London, the main of which are Westminster Hall and the Big Ben and Victoria towers.

Westminster Palace

The Westminster Palace was erected on a marshy area, which was artificially drained, near the banks of the Thames. Its length is almost three kilometers.

The first building of the architectural complex was built in 1042 in the Neo-Gothic style by order of the ruler of Eduard the Confessor as a residence of kings.

Westminster Palace

On two sides of the Westminster Palace, in the north and south, two towers – Victoria's square tower and the huge clock tower of St. Stephen were erected. The second name of the Big Ben watch tower is similar to the name of the large bell. This tower, on which the largest watch is set, with the most accurate mechanism, has become the main attraction of London.

Victoria's tower was intended to save important documents. Queen Victoria herself laid the first stone at her erection.

The facades of the palace, along with its towers, are decorated with stone carvings.

Westminster Hall was intended for meetings of the Supreme Court of England and coronation banquets. This architectural creation was considered the most elegant in all of Europe. In the 14th century, Westminster Hall was rebuilt, replacing a wooden roof. For many years, the building was constantly upset and expanded. For five centuries, the largest trials were held in the building. Here, the death sentence of Charles I, Thomas Mora, was passed.

In 1834, the fire almost completely destroyed the castle. I had to build the building in a new way. Recovery work took place during 1840-1888. The center of historical events of the Westminster Hall country was until the 19th century.

The new building of the Westminster Palace is the largest building in the world, which includes 1200 rooms and halls, 100 stairs.

All the time it was the residence of the rulers, only since 2004 visitors were allowed into the palace. This happens during the parliamentary holidays, which last from August 7 to September 16. At this time, everyone can consider the former royal apartments, but only the indigenous British are allowed to enter the tower of St. Stephen.

The House of Lords is considered the richest, there are many paintings, frescoes, figurines, stained glass windows. On the ceiling are animals and birds. Luxurious furniture is available, including the Royal Throne. The southern part of the – building is the House of Commons. Her jewelry is much more modest. Press balconies are installed here.

The Westminster Palace complex is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Westminster Palace Westminster Palace Westminster Palace Westminster Palace Westminster Palace Westminster Palace
Westminster Palace - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 51.499306
Longitude: -0.12475


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