USA: attractions and places of interest

Saguaro National Park

Saguaro is a US national park near the town of Tucson. It was founded to preserve the unique landscapes of the Sonor desert. Today the park covers an area of 370 km2. And all the beginning with the foundation of the Saguaro national monument in 1933, then they created a natural territory with the sa...

Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon - US National Park in Arizona, spread over 4927 km2. In this old park is the Great Canyon of the Colorado River, which many recognized as a natural miracle of the world. The first Europeans to visit these places were conquistadors from Spain in 1540. After 3 centuries, scientists came ...

National Park Lake Crater

Crater Lake is a US national park, the main feature of which is Lake Crater in the vent of an extinct volcano. The park accounts for 5 open national parks in the United States, it was opened in 1902. The lake is the deepest in the United States, and its lowest point is 597 meters. Of the Americans,...

Yosemite National Park

Yosemite - US National Park, spread over 3081 km2. The park is known for its terrain: magnificent granite mountains, rivers with clean water, the highest waterfalls, forests from the sequoia and rich animal world. Thanks to this, the park annually visits over 3 million tourists, but usually only the...

Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone is the first national park not only in the USA, but also in the world. The park was created on March 1, 1872 on a colossal territory of 8983 km2. The main feature of Yellowstone Park is multiple geysers, picturesque terrain, luxurious flora and fauna. The national park lies on the Yello...

Zion National Park

Zion - US National Park, spread its ownership of 593 km2. The main feature of the park is the Zion Canyon, 25 km long and a depth of reaching 900 meters. The canyon formed under the influence of the Virginia River, which washed the sandstone. The canyon was discovered by Mormons in 1858 and soon se...

National Park Death Valley

Death Valley - US National Park, covering an area of 13,518 km2. The national park contains 3 huge valleys: Salina, Panamint and the Death Valley. Here is the driest climate of all US national parks. Before the formation of the national park, they were mainly engaged in gold mining. The first Europ...

Joshua Tree National Park

Joshua Tree is a US national park founded in 1994 on an area of 3196 km2. The main goal of creating the park was to preserve the poor, but extremely interesting desert flora, which so hardly endures all the hardships of dry and salty land. For example, in the Imperial Valley, air temperature sometim...

Denali National Park

Denali - US National Park in Alaska, spread over an area of 25,000 km2. The park houses the highest point in America - Mount McKinley ( 6193 meters ), named after US President William McKinley. The mountain is constantly growing, because of which earthquakes are inherent in this area. Atabaski India...

Glacier Bay National Park

Glacier Bay is a US national park in Alaska, near the city of Juneau. The territory of the park is colossal - 13,287 km2, the bulk of the land occupied the protected forests. In Glacier Bay Park, you can meet 9 glaciers and 4 large icebergs. The nature of Gleisher Bay is amazing - around mountain r...

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