USA: attractions and places of interest

Mesa Verde

Mesa Verde – is a very important attraction in the United States, which is a huge national reserve with a total area of 211 km. The park was created in 1906 on the territory, which belongs to the American state of Colorado. He also has his place of honor in UNESCO heritage registers. Translated int...

Montezuma Castle

Montezuma Castle is located on the southwestern side of the United States of Arizona in the Green River Valley. It was erected in 1100 AD by the Sinakwa Indians on the upper part of the Verde Valley Rock as a home. This building, the main material of which is a raw brick, covers an area of about 6.7...

Crazy Horse Memorial

The Memorial of the Crazy Horse is a huge sculpture into which, with the help of human hands, the local rock has turned. This large memorial is located in South Dakota. He is dedicated to a very courageous and worthy Indian leader, in whose honor the sculpture is named. The frantic Horse, along with...

Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras – is a colorful festivities that take place before the Great Lent in New Orleans. If you translate mardi gras into Russian, you get « bold Tuesday ». The celebration of Mardi Gras can be safely compared with Maslenitsa in Russia, but given the traditions of this event, it is more like an ...

Ruby Falls

In a small town called Chattanooga in Tennessee, there is an amazing sight in the form of an underground waterfall called Ruby Falls. This attraction is a real highlight of one of the karst caves of this area. Ruby Falls Falls is in a stream of water from 50 meters high, demonstrating its power and ...

Great Dismal Swamp

Virginia, which belongs to America, has a real swampy place known as the Great Gloomy Swamp. This mysterious area, which is completely flooded with stagnant water, is located between the Atlantic coast and the foot of the ridge. This corner of wildlife is a nature reserve and is protected by the sta...

Mammoth Cave

Mammoth Cave – belongs to the longest cave complexes of the whole world. Its total length, today, fixed at 580 km. But in this territory, speleologists are constantly working, thanks to which more and more underground spaces are opening. This wonderful underworld has formed in the east of the United...

Lechuguilla Cave

Lechuguilla Cave – is a very important, wonderful, mysterious and extraordinary attraction of the whole world, which is located in the United States. The cave is underground and belongs to the Karlsbad Caves national reserve. Lechugia – is one of the longest caves in the world, its length is 210 km...

Hamilton Pool

Hamilton Poole Lake – is a natural water pool that is located 37 km from the city limits of Texas in America. This pond is ground-to-ground, and it has a wonderful waterfall. The lake was formed during the collapse of the natural tunnel under which the river flowed. In ancient centuries, this land ...

Fountains Bellagio

One of the most colorful places in the USA, which attracts many tourists, is a wonderful fountain, known as singing fountains « Bellagio ». This attraction is located in Los Vegas and adorns the whole city. Singing fountains « Bellagio » are a rather complex design in the middle of a pond opposite ...

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