Travel blog

Beley Castle

Belgium is known all over the world for its picturesque places, culture and traditions, as well as unsurpassed architecture of buildings. One of the most beautiful buildings in Belgium is Beley Castle, whose beauty has been depicted in numerous films, paintings and television shows. Features of Bele...

Rubens House

Rubens House Museum, also known as the author's workshop and a place to meet friends. It is difficult to overestimate the contribution of this great master to the painting and culture of the whole world. Visits to his house-museum of Rubens will be interesting not only to connoisseurs and admirers o...

Aleyn's house

Ghent is famous for the fact that there are a large number of historical and cultural buildings and structures, and the only almshouse in the city has been preserved here. This building has a unique history and fame that has spread throughout Belgium. Features of Aleyn House The history of this hous...

Durham Cathedral

Durham Cathedral is a beautiful reminder of the era of princes and bishops. This building combined three main innovations of the revolutionary Gothic style: pointed arches, ribbed vaults and flying buttresses. Durham is one of the pinnacles of cathedral architecture in this or any other country. His...

Odawara Castle

Odawara is a flat castle built on a small hill with a moat around it. Moats served not only to protect fortified fortresses. The soil that remained during its creation was used as a building material. Practically all the castles of that time were built using the same technology. Stone walls (which r...

Nijo Castle

Nijo Castle is one of the most visited attractions in Japan. It was named after the road on which it is located. Most locals and tourists believe that there is a special atmosphere here. It is a symbol of the shogunate, the samurai government. Basic information Nijo Castle, covering nearly 300,000 s...

Suez Canal

The Suez Canal is a man-made navigable space connecting the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea and separating Africa from the Asian part of the Eurasian continent. It was founded in 1869, although the ideas to connect the above seas belonged to the pharaohs. Since 2015, navigation has been carried o...

Mount Sinai

Mount Sinai is also called the Mount of Moses, because according to biblical legends, the Tablets of the Covenant were handed over to the prophet at its location. Therefore, from year to year, hundreds of believers make a pilgrimage to it every day, climbing to the very top, but even more it attract...


Heraclion is an ancient city in Egypt that was flooded by the Nile. It was founded in the 7th century BC and was one of the most important cities in ancient Egypt. Heraklion was a center of trade and culture and has a history of over 2000 years. The city is also called Tonis, Fonida. History of Hera...

Mount Elgon

Elgon is a mountain resulting from a volcanic eruption, and it is one of the top 3 highest mountains in Uganda. Strange, but ancient tribes compared this mountain with a female breast. Mount Elgon itself is located on the African Plains, not far from Lake Victoria, the main settlements are closer to...

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