Isalo National Park

Isalo is a national park in Madagascar. The park was founded in the forest of the same name in 1962 on an area of 815 km2. Isalo has an elevation change of 500 to 1200 meters, representing a jumble of sandy rocks located among large grassy savannas.

Isalo National Park

The emergence of prairies was caused by human activity. In this area, fires were set for a long time to promote the growth of young grass to feed livestock. In connection with the creation of the park, all human activity was prohibited, which contributed to the restoration of the forest.

In Isalo there are rocks of bizarre shapes, the deepest canyons, caves full of mysteries, as well as old tombstones of the Bara tribe. There are many canyons in the park, the most notable of which are the Rat and Monkey Canyons. Of particular interest is La Fenetre, which is a jumble of sandstone in the shape of a window facing west. At sunset you can see stunning views of nature there.

Isalo National Park

Flora and fauna of Isalo Park

Isalo cannot boast of an abundance of flora and fauna. And all this is due to hot weather and lack of wind. But nevertheless, 82 species of birds, 33 representatives of reptiles and only 14 species of mammals found shelter here. This savannah near Ranohir contrasts with the sandy massifs, which have been worn away by water and wind, acquiring such wonderful shapes. This is one of the stunning regions of the country, walking here closer to dusk is not so hot, and representatives of the local fauna - lemurs - come out. In general, you should go to these places from April to October, when the local vegetation begins to bloom and the cliffs become covered with green cover. The local Sakalava people have preserved their traditions and bury their dead on the rocks - because of this, it is forbidden to enter some places. You can find out about such places from the local population. Many will be happy to introduce tourists to local culture and fauna.

It is best to travel through Isalo National Park with a guide. Any hiking trail begins and ends in Ranohira, and sometimes lasts up to 7 days. In total, the park has 3 routes along which travelers are mainly taken. Two small hiking routes, lasting one day, are popular among tourists: the first of them - “Monkey Canyon and Natural Pool” - in addition to admiring the local beauty, tourists will be offered a refreshing dip in the local river; the other - "Nature Window" - here you will be guided along the most secret paths.

Isalo National Park Isalo National Park Isalo National Park Isalo National Park Isalo National Park Isalo National Park
Isalo National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: -22.465441
Longitude: 45.261816


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