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Minaret Qutub Minar

In Delhi, the tallest minaret in the world, Qutub Minar or Qutub Minar, reaches into the sky. Its height is 73 m and consists of 5 tiers. It has a cone shape with a diameter of 14 m at the base and about 3 m at the top. Construction continued for several generations of Delhi Sultans. The minaret com...

Mecca Masjid Mosque

The Mecca Masjid mosque in Hyderabad, India is considered one of the largest in the world. The building is built of processed stone; according to various sources, it can accommodate from 10,000 to 20,000 believers at the same time. The mosque is a monument of cultural heritage and is protected by th...

Victoria Memorial

In one of the largest and most populous cities in India, Calcutta, there is a Victoria Memorial. Now it is a museum, a garden and park complex and one of the most interesting historical and architectural monuments of the era of British rule. It was built in memory of Queen Victoria of England. Queen...


Khajuraho is an amazingly beautiful temple complex, discovered almost 200 years ago in the central part of India. Architectural monuments are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. History of the rise and fall of Khajuraho Historians say that in the Middle Ages, this place was the capital of ...


Kanchenjunga - a mountain on the border between Nepal and India, is the third highest peak in the world. Its name from Nepalese or Hindi means "5 Treasures of the Great Snows". After all, the mountain range consists of 5 snow-capped peaks. It is interesting that from above it resembles a huge cross ...

Sikh golden temple

The Golden Temple of the Sikhs is one of the most revered religious shrines in northwestern India in the state of Punjab. The temple annually attracts millions of pilgrims from all over the world. Unusual religion of the Sikhs The teachings of the Sikhs are most popular in the north of the country, ...

Gateway of India

In the Indian capital of New Delhi, the Gate of India rises above Rajpath Avenue - a more than 40-meter stone arch created in memory of 90 thousand Indian fighters who lost their lives in military conflicts of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Wars in which Indian soldiers died Three Anglo-Afghan...

Andaman and Nicobar Islands

The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are located in the east of continental India closer to Southeast Asia on the border of the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal. There are about 600 islands in total, of which only 38 are inhabited. The total area of the islands is just over 8 thousand kilometers. Primev...

Adam's Bridge

Adam's Bridge is a chain of shoals and islets stretching for 48 km in the Palk Strait between mainland India and the island of Sri Lanka, which was formerly called Ceylon. Hindus call this place Ram's Bridge, and Muslims call it Adam's Bridge. Easily visible even from space, the elevation protrudes ...

Market Square in Bremen

The market square in Bremen is one of the important sights of the ancient city in the north-west of Germany. It is called one of the most beautiful squares in Europe. No one argues with this statement, a special atmosphere reigns here, and interesting photographs are obtained against its background....

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