Sikh golden temple

The Golden Temple of the Sikhs is one of the most revered religious shrines in northwestern India in the state of Punjab. The temple annually attracts millions of pilgrims from all over the world.

Sikh golden temple

Unusual religion of the Sikhs

The teachings of the Sikhs are most popular in the north of the country, especially in the states of Punjab and Haryana. The peculiarity of this religion lies in the unusual interweaving of Hindu views with elements of Islam. Religious doctrine was formed in the late XV - early XVI centuries, and the word "Sikh" means disciple. They say that even today a Sikh can be identified by a magnificent turban, under which he hides his long hair, which is not allowed to be cut.

The founder of a new religion and the future guru, Nanak was born in the state of Punjab in 1469. The religion he created preaches tolerance, respect for every living being, the unification of believers and the cessation of hostility between people. The guide on the path to God is the spiritual teacher - the guru.

Sikh golden temple

Construction of the Golden Temple of the Sikhs

In 1577, Guru Ram Das dug out a lake, which they named Amritsar, which means "the source of the nectar of immortality." Religious pilgrims seek to come here from all over the world to plunge into the blessed waters of the sacred lake. In the center of the reservoir, the construction of a Sikh temple was started. Its upper tiers were covered with gold, so they began to call it "golden". And the Sikh town, growing around the temple and the lake, also began to be called Amritsar.


The Golden Sikh Temple looks like an amazing symbiosis of Islamic and Hindu architectural styles, it is very richly decorated in accordance with local traditions. The temple is covered with real gold. They say that more than 750 kg of gold plates were spent on the golden vault alone. The copper plates with which the temple is lined with gold are also covered. Located in the center of the lake, the temple reflects countless reflections on the water. You can walk to the temple surrounded on all sides by water along a narrow marble bridge.

Visiting the temple

If done right, visiting the Golden Sikh Temple will be an experience to remember for a lifetime. Indeed, in accordance with tradition, every guest is welcome here, regardless of faith. At the same time, you need to understand that you need to behave appropriately. Each visitor should be prepared for the fact that at the entrance they will need to take off their shoes and socks, wash their feet in a special pool. The head should be covered with a scarf, which can be obtained free of charge at the entrance or bought as a small souvenir in memory of the visit.

There is a free canteen in the Golden Sikh Temple, such as in any Sikh temple. Every pilgrim who needs food will be fed here. In the huge kitchens, a sufficient amount of delicious food is prepared. On big holidays, from 60,000 to 80,000 guests can be fed here. Interestingly, all food is prepared by volunteers. You can eat sitting right on the floor. By the way, here they will gladly accept your help if you offer help with washing the dishes or the floor.

There is always a festive mood in the temple, the monks continuously chant texts from the holy book of the Sikhs.

Sikh golden temple Sikh golden temple Sikh golden temple Sikh golden temple Sikh golden temple Sikh golden temple

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Sikh golden temple - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 31.62
Longitude: 74.876667


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