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Terme of Caracalla

The Baths of Caracalla were built in the 3rd century, during the reign of Emperor Caracalla, which determined their name. It was a complex of the largest, monumental buildings of antiquity. The walls of the baths were made of concrete and covered with thin marble plates, which gave the buildings an ...

Old Fortress of Livorno

The old fortress of Livorno is located in the Medici port. Livorno is a beautiful port city located in Italian Tuscany on the Ligurian coast. And one of its most recognizable attractions is the Old Fortress (Italian name - Fortezza Vecchia). Local residents say that it is worth visiting for any tour...

Stanzas of Raphael

Raphael's Stanzas are four rooms located one behind the other, which are part of the palace complex located in the Vatican. They are famous in the history of art for having been frescoed by the outstanding Renaissance artist Raphael Santi together with his students. The room was built during the rei...

Cathedral of Saint Januarius

The Cathedral of Saint Januarius is an outstanding monument of religious architecture in the city. The temple is located in the historical center of Naples. It was consecrated in honor of Saint Januarius, who is considered the heavenly patron of the Neapolitans. Construction began in the 13th centur...

Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore

The Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore has become the hallmark of Florence. The ancient and majestic Cathedral of St. Mary amazes with its enormous size, beauty and luxury of decoration, and the solemn severity of the interior decoration. Located on the main Cathedral Square of the capital of the Tu...

Sant'Apollinare Nuovo

Sant'Apollinare Nuovo is one of the most famous landmarks in Italy. The early Christian basilica, which is very popular among tourists, is located in the small city of Ravenna. The basilica is famous for its magnificent mosaics, in this article we will learn about interesting facts about this unique...

Sant'Agnese in Agone

Sant'Agnese in Agone is a striking architectural masterpiece of the Baroque Renaissance in Rome. The church is located on Piazza Navona - the central historical square of the city. The name is associated with the name of Saint Agnes, who died on the spot where the temple now stands. An ancient legen...

Santa Maria sopra Minerva

The Basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva is located in Piazza della Minerva in Rome, near the Pantheon. This church is the only Gothic temple in the capital of Italy that has survived to this day. Like many other relatively little-known churches in Rome, you can unexpectedly encounter an outstandin...

Santa Maria in Trastevere

Santa Maria in Trastevere is located in the old town of the Italian capital. The temple building is the very first basilica dedicated to Our Lady. The facade of the building is decorated with a fresco depicting the legend of the virgins and Mary and the baby Jesus. It is one of the most visited attr...

Santa Maria in Cosmedin

The Church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin was erected in the place where the ancient Temple of Hercules was located. In 1893, during excavations on the church grounds, ancient fragments of antiquity were discovered. Archaeologists mistook them for parts of the Altar of Hercules, erected on the site wher...

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