Travel blog

Pico Ruivu

Mount Pico Ruivo is located on the island of Madeira, and it is one of the most visited places in Portugal. It is popular among those who enjoy extreme sports. According to statistics, hundreds of thousands of tourists visit it every year. There are many exciting entertainments here - attractions, t...

National Palace of Sintra

The National Palace of Sintra is difficult to confuse with any other building. Alternative name ─ Village Palace, history says that from the 15th to the end of the 19th century, Portuguese monarchs lived in this place. It is the crown jewel of a hilly town in western Portugal and is a UNESCO World H...

Cape Rock

Cape Roca is recognized as the westernmost cape of the Eurasian continent; it is located on the Iberian Peninsula. The Romans called it Promontorium Magnum, and during the Age of Discovery it was called Cape Lisbon. The cape is located 40 kilometers west of the capital of Portugal, 18 kilometers fro...

Capuchin Monastery in Sintra

The Capuchin Monastery in Sintra attracts the attention of those who are interested in the life of the order of ascetic monks. The order got its name from the hooded robe that the monks wore. The Catholic monastery was founded in 1548, now it looks more like ruins than a building with medieval archi...

Moorish Castle of Sintra

The Moorish Castle of Sintra is a castle from the early Middle Ages. This place has a special history that still attracts attention from the community. The attraction is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, and the Portuguese are proud of this fact. Every year, not only local residents, but a...

Curral das Freiras

Curral das Freiras is an ancient village in Portugal, which is famous not only in the country, but also far beyond its borders. Portugal is a country where tourists can experience all the beauty of nature and also see beautiful architectural monuments. The embodiment of these two elements is Curral ...

Porto Cathedral

The Porto Cathedral is on the list of recommended places to visit in Portugal. Historians call it one of the oldest and most important local Romanesque monuments. A plaque was erected on the square in front of the Catholic Church in 1947 to commemorate the events that took place 800 years ago. Histo...

Guimarães Castle

Guimarães Castle is officially included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The attraction is located in a small town, but it is known not only in Portugal, but also outside the country. Local residents are proud that in 2008 the Portuguese Government included this object in the 7 wonders (structures...

House of Music in Porto

The House of Music in Porto was built in 2005. This is another reminder that in Europe there are often musicians who play different instruments and sing, inspiring people with their creativity. The institution often hosts cultural events; here you can listen to performances by artists in high-qualit...

Douro River Valley

The Douro River Valley is on the list of recommended places when traveling to Portugal. It flows through the north of the country and flows into the Atlantic Ocean. You can get there by car, train and boat. Many bridges have been installed, but the most famous is the Ponte Lu's I bridge, built accor...

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