Travel blog

Peace Memorial in Hiroshima

The Hiroshima Peace Memorial serves as a reminder that in August 1945, the United States launched a nuclear attack on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, dropping atomic bombs on them. Hiroshima was chosen specifically - high population density, flammable wooden houses, located on a plain...

International Manga Museum

The International Manga Museum opened in 2006 by a joint decision of the city authorities and Seika University in Kyoto. A house that used to be an elementary school was allocated for the museum. Since 1973, manga was taught in one of the first institutions at the university. In addition to the exhi...

Kyoto University

Kyoto University operates in the city of Kyoto, they are considered one of the best higher education institutions in Japan. It has 23 thousand students. Education received at the university is recognized as honorable and prestigious. The university consists of three campuses, the main one being Yosh...


Kiyomizu-dera is a Buddhist temple, the full correct name of which is Otowasan Kiyomizudera. Translated from Japanese it means "Temple of Pure Water". It is located in the east of Kyoto and is the city's main attraction. The date of its foundation is 778, the name takes from the waterfall located in...

Springs in Izu

The springs in Izu are one of the most popular resort areas: it is a favorite holiday destination for the Japanese and tourists arriving in the country. The Izu Peninsula is located on the coast of the island of Honshu, about 100 kilometers from Tokyo in a southwestern direction. Izu is attractive f...

Imperial Palace in Tokyo

The Imperial Palace in Tokyo has an alternative name in the form of the Imperial Castle. It is located in the center of the capital of Japan, in the park area of the Chiyoda district. According to statistics, many tourists who fly to Japan first come to see the grandeur of the complex. In society, i...

Fushimi Castle

Fushimi Castle also has another name - Momoyama Palace, in honor of the hill on which it is located. It was built in 1594 near Kyoto; the location was not chosen by chance. In addition to its strategic significance, it also had a sacred meaning - the 50th Japanese Emperor Kammu, who founded the capi...

Shuri Castle

Shuri Castle is different from other castles in Japan, and there is an explanation for this. In the 15th century, the Ryukyu Kingdom was located in these places, over time it lost its independence and came under Japanese rule, but there are also quite a lot of different Chinese manifestations here. ...

Disneyland in Tokyo

Tokyo Disneyland opened on April 15, 1983 and covers an area of over 450,000 meters. The amusement park is similar in style and attractions to parks in Florida and California, but unlike them, it is not owned by Disney. There are more than 45 attractions on the territory of the complex. This is one ...

Toyota Mega Web Exhibition Center

The Toyota Mega Web Exhibition Center is called one of the most popular attractions in Tokyo. From a formal point of view, this is a Toyota showroom. But in reality we are talking about a large automobile museum in the country. Everyone who has been here once recommends visiting this place. Entry is...

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