Travel blog

Whale Fjord

Whale Fjord can be found in the western part of Iceland between the regions of Hövüdborgarsvaidid and Västurland, 14 kilometers from the capital. The depths inside the fjord reach 84 meters, while at the mouth of the fjord the depth is only about 38 meters. The mouth of the fjord on the left is mark...

Iceland Golden Ring

Iceland's Golden Circle is a popular tourist destination in the south of the country. There are many different routes in Iceland. Each of them is designed in such a way that it is comfortable for a person. Of course, the road will not be paved with paving stones and fenced on both sides. The routes ...

Hövdi House

Hövdi's house is an old mansion in the north of the capital of Iceland. It was built in 1909 and was originally used as the residence of the French consul. The famous poet Einar Benedichtsson lived and worked in Hövdi for a long time, but the house gained fame after the “Icelandic Summit”, which too...

Mount Esya

Mount Esja is located in the southwestern part of Iceland, approximately 10 kilometers north of Reykjavik, and the altitude is more than 900 meters above sea level. This is a popular visiting area among travelers and climbers due to its close location to the capital. The path to the peaks is divided...

Gullfoss waterfall

Gullfoss waterfall is one of the most visited points on the geographical map of Iceland. This amazing country is known all over the world. The nature here is incredibly beautiful. In addition to valleys shrouded in green velvet, Iceland is associated with waterfalls and hot springs. Gullfoss occupie...

Imagine Peace Tower

Imagine Peace Tower breaks the stereotype that towers and monuments must be tall, granite, iron, rough and large. Indeed, in most countries of the world they are exactly like this. If a monument is made in some other way, from paper or wood, then it is usually called an installation. The most amazin...


Ek-Balam is a former city of the Mayan civilization, one of the most powerful in the history of mankind. It is located in the State of Yucatan, 30 kilometers north of the city of Valladolid. The Mayan homeland is Latin America, Mexico was the center where famous Mayan centers and temples were locate...


The Shel-Ha Natural Park has become a real “treasure” for Mexicans and tourists from all over the world. Many people know that Mexico is a country where the people have preserved the traditions and customs of the Mayans and Aztecs. Numerous buildings and their objects have been restored in their mem...

Huasteca Potosina

Huasteca-Potosina is called the land of fabulous nature, rushing mountain rivers and picturesque waterfalls. This place is worth a visit for those who dream of walking through the jungle and admiring the waterfalls. It is considered one of the most remote tourist destinations in Mexico, but its beau...


Tolantongo - a complex of caves and pools, a boxwood canyon and a resort is one of the most famous natural complexes in Mexico. It is located 17 kilometers from Ixmiquilpan on Highway 27 in the Mezquital Valley of Hidalgo State. You can get here by car or bus, which travels along the route up to 9 t...

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