Ruby Falls

In a small town called Chattanooga in Tennessee, there is an amazing sight in the form of an underground waterfall called Ruby Falls. This attraction is a real highlight of one of the karst caves of this area. Ruby Falls Falls is in a stream of water from 50 meters high, demonstrating its power and uniqueness to tourists.

Ruby Falls

An amazing water fireworks erupt inside the cave through the hole that formed at the very top of the stone arch. Ruby Falls Falls has existed for more than one million years, and during its existence, as a result of the fall of water flows, a lake has formed where crystal clear water is located. As for the air in the cave, it is always fresh, and its temperature is kept at 10 degrees Celsius.

There is a legend about the name of the waterfall. Many years ago, a tired traveler stumbled upon the cave, and immediately felt her wet cool breath. His curiosity made him go into the middle of the rock, where an incredibly beautiful natural landscape opened his eyes. From this underground waterfall it was simply impossible to take a look. This miracle of nature bewitched a man so much that he immediately decided to give him the name of his beloved wife – Ruby. It is from that time, the name - Ruby Falls was assigned to the waterfall in Chattanooga.

Ruby Falls

In distant times, local caves were the shelter of the Indian tribe, and later served as a shelter for criminals.

Ruby Falls – is a colorful example of the famous saying « Water sharpens », because over the long time of its existence this continuous water stream has pierced its path through impregnable stone rocks.

Today Ruby Falls – is a great attraction that is very successful for tourists. This excellent place can be visited both as part of the excursion group and independently. This is a fairly light, modern road. The cave itself is equipped with an elevator, which provides an opportunity to go down to great depths without difficulty, to the very foot of the waterfall, where the mountain lake is located. The elevator has transparent walls, which makes it real to admire from it to the wonderful halls of the dungeon, as well as the most beautiful waterfall.

There are paths along which it is safe for even young children to walk. A color artificial illumination of stone walls that surround the streams of water gives the Ruby Falls a particularly unique look. For these reasons, the waterfall is constantly changing its color, from burning warm colors to white ones. Here you can also hear the sounds of wonderful music, which adds to this incomparable sight of Majesty.

Ruby Falls Ruby Falls Ruby Falls Ruby Falls Ruby Falls Ruby Falls
Ruby Falls - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 35.019167
Longitude: -85.339444


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