Landmarks of the world

Macau Maritime Museum

The Macau Maritime Museum was opened in 1987. This place will be interesting for those who, from childhood, admired majestic ships, pirates and trips around the world. The dreams of adults and children can come true in Macau, where this famous maritime museum is located and is famous for its unique ...

Monastery of Ten Thousand Buddhas

The Monastery of Ten Thousand Buddhas is one of the most beautiful Buddhist monasteries in the whole world, it was founded in 1951 in Hong Kong by the Buddhist teacher Yuet Kai. The construction of the temple took a lot of effort and time; construction lasted as long as 18 years. Even the teacher to...

Huaisheng Mosque

The Huaisheng Mosque is the main Muslim shrine in Guangzhou. The construction of a temple, unconventional for the country, symbolizes the respectful attitude of the Chinese towards representatives of various religious faiths. For tourists it is attractive for its beauty and historical and cultural s...

Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall

The Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall is dedicated to the politician who was the first to assume the post of President of China. The building organically combines the interweaving of traditional Chinese architecture and the principles of modern technological construction. China is one of the most ancient ci...

Mausoleum of King Nanyue

The Mausoleum of King Nanyue is a place to store valuable relics from the tomb of Zhaomei, a ruler who reigned in the 2nd century BC. This was one of the kings who believed in life after death, so they ordered household items to be placed in their tombs for a comfortable existence after leaving the ...

Mausoleum of Mao Zedong

The Mausoleum of Mao Zedong is located in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, the tomb is designed according to the model of the Abraham Lincoln Memorial. Mao Zedong is a controversial figure; he is considered one of the most extraordinary and controversial politicians on the world stage. The last day of t...

Black Bamboo Hollow

Black Bamboo Hollow is located in the Chinese province of Sichuan, it is called Heizhu. In China, people call this place “the valley of death”; it received this name after many people disappeared without a trace in the dense thickets. In addition to the black bamboo, other species of this plant grow...

Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge

The Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge is called a real miracle of engineering and design that has become a reality. It connects 2 cities located on different banks of the Akashi Strait; the six-lane highway connects the cities of Kobe and Awadazi. Its length is 3,911 meters, the bridge consists of three sections...

Enryaku-ji Monastery

Enryaku-ji Monastery, one of the most significant Japanese monasteries, is located near the city of Kyoto on the slopes of the picturesque Hiei Hill. Its founder is the monk Site, also known as Denge Daishi. Construction of the building began in 788 and continued for several years. History of Enryak...

Horyuji Monastery

Horyuji Monastery is located in Ikaruga near Nara. The exact name is Horyu Gakumon-ji, the name of the complex is translated as Temple of Prosperous Dharma. This is the very first in Japan, and the oldest Buddhist temple in the world, the wooden buildings of which have survived to this day. True, on...

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