Landmarks of the world

Studio Ghibli Museum in Tokyo

The Studio Ghibli Anime Museum in Tokyo is dedicated to the world famous anime produced by Studio Ghibli. It is located in the city of Mitaka, in the west of Inokashira Park (Tokyo Prefecture), and is a small fairy-tale house. The opening took place in October 2001. Hayao Miyazaki, one of the two fo...

Ryukoku Museum

The Ryukoku Museum is located in the ancient capital of Japan, the city of Kyoto, in this place tourists have the opportunity to get acquainted with the history of Buddhism from its appearance in India to the present day. Particular attention is paid to the spread of religion in Japan. The state-of-...

Shamian Island

Shamian Island gives you the opportunity to see what the city looked like during the era of the colonialists. It is difficult to find classic Chinese buildings here; the island is filled with houses with typical French windows and European bridges. For a while you can forget that you are in a Chines...

Pirates Island in Sanya

Pirate Island in Sanya is a small island located near Hainan. According to one version, it received its name from the presence of a sunken ship located off its coast; an alternative name is Wuzhizhou Island. It is very popular among tourists and the local population. Not long ago, the administration...

Nanwan Monkey Island

Nanwan Monkey Island is a unique nature reserve in China near Lingshui County, where monkeys are the main inhabitants dominating the island. It is believed that at least 2,000 monkeys live here. In addition to this interesting feature, the island is famous for its stunning sandy beach, coconut grove...

Guangzhou Opera House

The Guangzhou Opera House, designed by Zaha Hadid, opened on May 9, 2010. The acoustics here are very good, so even complex productions are not difficult to perform; they delight the audience with their musicality. World stars often perform on the theater stage. The repertoire includes operas, balle...

Ocean Park in Hong Kong

Ocean Park in Hong Kong is one of the most popular family entertainment complexes in the world. It was built by Hong Kong Governor Murray McLeose in 1977, and the park has grown larger since then. It consists of an aquarium, an animal park and various attractions. There are a total of 35 thematic zo...

Houhai Lake

Lake Houhai is considered sacred; it attracts with its history and beautiful views. Local residents say that Houhai is considered the best place to get to know ancient Chinese culture. The lake area is especially popular with foreign tourists visiting Beijing, but is also frequently visited by local...

Lake Manasarovar

Lake Manasarovar is a sacred Tibetan lake, the name of which translates as “lake of consciousness”. There are many myths and legends about this place. Hindus consider the sacred reservoir to be the soul of God Brahma. Everyone who visited it claims: only by visiting here can you feel the mystical at...

National Museum of China

The National Museum of China is the largest and most important museum in the country, as well as the most visited museum in the world. There is a unique collection of Chinese art here, you can get acquainted with the entire Chinese history. It is located in the eastern part of Tiananmen Square in Be...

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