Sofiyivka Park

Sofievka Park is a huge national dendrological park in the city of Uman in the territory and plant diversity. It is a very popular place among citizens and visitors.

Sofiyivka Park

Sophia was laid by Polish Count Stanislav Pototsky to give his wife a birthday. In 1802, the park was ready for the names of Sofia Witt Potock Park, on its behalf the park was named. To build the park, the count invited a military engineer from Poland - Ludwig Metzel. Before that, there were meadows with ravines and granite beams, which skillfully built into the landscape of the park. Additionally planted exotic shrubs and set up sculptures. The Kamenka River flows through the park, on which 2 ponds with an area of 8 and 1.5 hectares, cascades and even a waterfall 14 meters high were erected in Sofievka. The natural rocks of Tarpeyskaya and Levkad, grottoes, pavilions, sculptural compositions are successfully inscribed in the composition of the park.

After the Polish uprising in 1832, these lands were confiscated, and later King Nicholas I gave Sofievka Park to his wife. The following years built the gazebos "Chinese" and "Gribok", the Pink Pavilion appeared on the island of Anti-Tsirzei, and also built the Flora pavilion. The diversity of the plant world in the dendrological park of Sofievka is amazing, because here over 3000 species of plants, shrubs and trees grow. Nuthenium alone, 25 varieties, 100 species of lianas, over 300 varieties of roses, almost 60 species of rhododendron, 41 species of spruce and 24 beech. All this fit on a vast territory of 180 hectares.

Sofiyivka Park

In the dendrological park of Sofievka, active types of recreation are very popular, so going for a walk in the park. The main time the operation of all services in the park from 9 to 18 ( after 18 does not need to pay for entering the ) park when you can order a tour or, for example, take pictures in a ball outfit. The park is very popular among newlyweds who come here even from the nearest cities. This is all for a reason, because in the Flora pavilion you can officially register your marriage. If you do not rush to play the wedding, then you should ride on rivers and ponds on kayaks, gondolas, catamarans or even ride a horse. You can also sail along the underground river Aheron, longer than two hundred meters. Having a great vacation, you can send a bite to eat in numerous cafes, or buy yourself a souvenir as a keepsake.

Sofiyivka Park Sofiyivka Park Sofiyivka Park Sofiyivka Park Sofiyivka Park Sofiyivka Park
Sofiyivka Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 48.763056
Longitude: 30.2225


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