Fortress Herodium

Herodium Fortress belongs to the national park located near the village of Tekoa, and is secured by Israel. Here, on an artificially grown hill, this ancient powerful castle erected by Herod the Great rises. This beautiful medieval building is not just the only one in the world that bears the name of this great ruler, but also has a place for his burial.

Fortress Herodium

The construction site of the castle was appointed by Herodion Herod himself. He decided that it would be the area where he would defeat the army of Miriam of Hasmon. Thus, a fortress was erected on a bulk hill that can be compared to a volcanic formation. The height of this grandiose building, at the time of construction, can be compared with a modern eight-story house.

Herod the Great is famous not only for this fortress, he is the author of other majestic structures, which he gave the name in honor of his relatives. And although the ruler did not spend his main time in this place, but it seems that the powerful fortress of Herodion was very close to him, because it was here that he wanted to be buried.

Fortress Herodium

The territory of the fortress was divided into two parts, the so-called upper and lower levels. In the first was the government palace itself, and in the second were residential buildings that were intended for family and friends. The most important construction of the upper part had a round shape, which was, at that time, the last breakthrough of architecture. Near it were baths, synagogues, underground storage facilities. The lower part was ennobled by a wonderful garden with a variety of conversations for relaxation, as well as dinners.

Later, when Herod was not alive, Herodion Castle passed from hand to hand. Among the owners are Jews, Romans, Arabs. In the 20th century, excavations began to be actively carried out on the territory of the fortress, namely in the part where the main royal palace was located. And when the archaeological group was led by Ehud Nezer, a worthy find was found, worth attention. This archaeological value was the grave of Herod the Great. And although the body was not here, Nezer confidently claimed that it belonged to the Great Old Believer ruler Herod. During the excavations, many post-emergency shelters were opened, as well as moves that helped keep the defense during the attack.

This, mysterious fortress of Herodion, is of keen interest among tourists, who are also curious where Herod the Great’s body went and whether it was buried in a discovered grave.

Fortress Herodium Fortress Herodium Fortress Herodium Fortress Herodium Fortress Herodium Fortress Herodium
Fortress Herodium - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 31.665833
Longitude: 35.241389


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