Travel blog

Spanish village

The Spanish village is located in Barcelona. This is a historical and architectural monument located on the Montjuic hill. The authorship of the project belongs to the famous architect J. Puig i Cadafalch. In 1929, the World Exhibition was held in Barcelona. The Spanish Village was built for its ope...

Pubol Castle

Púbol Castle is a symbol of boundless love. A gift from the great surrealist artist Salvador Dali to his beloved, muse and wife Gala. An ancient castle built in the 11th century. under the influence of time, it slowly collapsed - the roof collapsed in places, the walls were covered with numerous dee...

House Mila

The Mila House was built by order of the Mila family, which is why the attraction has this name. The head of the family was a textile magnate and involved in politics; he went down in Spanish history. More than a million tourists come to Barcelona every year to see with their own eyes the last secul...

Umaid Bhawan Palace

Umaid Bhawan Palace is a huge private residence, considered the largest in the world. The palace is named after Maharaja Umaid Singh. Currently still belongs to this genus. The current owner is Gaj Singh II, the grandson of Umaid. A luxury hotel, a private residence of the descendants of the Jodhpur...

Palace of Catalan Music

The Palace of Catalan Music was built by the architect Lluis Domènech i Montaner. In Barcelona, a magnificent structure built in the Art Nouveau architectural style rises above the Sant Pere quarter. The style implies a pronounced predominance of dynamics over statics, curved outlines over straight ...

Palace in Orchha

Orchha Palace is considered the main historical landmark of the fort city of Orchha. Inside the walls of the fort there is a palace complex consisting of the Raj Mahal Palace, the Jahangir Mahal Palace and the Sheesh Mahal Palace. The complex is located between two rivers, to get into it you need to...

Gothic Quarter of Barcelona

The Gothic Quarter of Barcelona is the administrative subdistrict number 2 of the Old Town district. Stretching almost to the coast, the old part of the city consists of an intricate labyrinth of streets, alleys, stairs and arches. Renaissance, Gothic and Neoclassicism are harmoniously combined, giv...

City of Arts and Sciences

The City of Arts and Sciences is located in Valencia. Work on the unique complex began in 1989 by the architect S. Calatrava. The design project of the unusual city was recognized as the best example of modern architecture. On a plot of land more than 2 sq. km stretches a futuristic city-complex. Th...

Gwalior Fort

Gwalior Fort has been known in the world since the 6th century. The fort acquired its current appearance in the 14th and 15th centuries. An impregnable and powerful fortress in India, rising on a hill, built of yellow-brown sandstone and basalt. Brief description The Gwalior fort was placed at the i...

Atocha Station

Atocha Station is located in the center of Madrid in an elegant old building. This is the largest transport hub in Spain, primarily a railway one. Trains run in all directions from here on high-speed lines, express and regular. Electric trains, buses and metro trains arrive here. From here they depa...

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