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Ugra National Park

Ugra is the national park of Russia in the Kaluga region among the rivers Zhidra, Vyssa, Ugra and Oka. Park area 986 km2. Picturesque valleys attract the attention of a huge number of tourists with their picturesque landscapes. The history of statehood of Russia, which is marked by the Great Standin...

Paanajärvi National Park

Paanajärvi is a national park located on the very extreme part of the north of Karelia, near the Arctic Circle. It was founded in 1992 in order to preserve the unique natural complexes of Paanajärvi lakes, as well as the river basin called Olangi, their use for recreational, environmental, scientifi...

Valdaysky National Park

Valdaisky is the national park of Russia, which was founded in 1990. The park was created to preserve the unique lake-forest complex of the Valdai Upland and form a microclimate for the formation of cultural recreation in the area. Chic Lanschafts come across in the park, as well as monuments of the...

Meshchyorsky National Park

Meshchersky is a national park founded in 1992 in order to preserve the unique natural, historically cultural complexes of Meshcher lowland, their use for scientific and environmental purposes. Its area is 1050 km2. The national park is located in the following two districts of the Ryazan region: Ry...

Sochi National Park

Sochi National Park was organized in 1983 in order to protect the unique natural complexes of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus from destruction, to use them in recreational, environmental, scientific. The territory of this park is located on the southern part of the slope of the Greater Caucasus,...

Taganay National Park

Taganai is a national park that is located in an amazing corner of the South Urals, between a group of ridges called Taganai. It is located in the western part of the Chelyabinsk region, near the northeast outskirts of the city called Zlatoust, which is located in the Urals. The entire area of this ...

Yugyd Va National Park

Yugyd Va National Park was established in 1986 and is located in the Komi Republic. This park thanks to its territory of 18,917 km2 is the largest national park throughout Russia, which is also on the UNESCO World Heritage List as the « Komi Forest ». Yugyd wa is indeed a very large – area of the p...

Bashkiriya National Park

Bashkiriya National Park was founded in 1986. The national park is located on the southwestern slopes of the South Urals, west of the Uraltau water distribution ridge, on the lands of 3 managerial districts: Meleuzovsky, Kugarchinsky, Burzyan. The exclusivity and beauty of the national park « Bashk...

Anyuysky National Park

Anyuysky is a national park of Russia, created in 2007 in the Khabarovsk Territory. Located on the right bank of the Amur in the Sihote Alin Mountains, which were not so much affected by human influence. The area occupied by the park is 4293 km2. The main reason for creating the park was the salvati...

Alkhanay National Park

Alkhanai is a national park of Russia, formed recently, in 1999. The purpose of the creation was to preserve the historical and cultural values of these places, flora and fauna, as well as the unique natural complexes of the park. The height of the mountains reaches 1200 meters, the park has a large...

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