National Museum of China

The National Museum of China is the largest and most important museum in the country, as well as the most visited museum in the world. There is a unique collection of Chinese art here, you can get acquainted with the entire Chinese history. It is located in the eastern part of Tiananmen Square in Beijing, and is part of the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China.

National Museum of China


The National Museum of China combines two museums that were founded in Beijing in 1959, when the PRC celebrated its anniversary - 10 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China. The modern National Museum was opened in 2003. Then the government of the republic decided to create a museum that would personify the entire great Chinese history and culture. The museum was transferred to the ownership of the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China, which began to closely engage in the development and popularization of the museum. Thanks to the efforts of the ministry, unique items of historical value were found and purchased, and a program for the development of Chinese history and culture was launched. The program aims to instill patriotism and love for the country's culture in the younger generation (for this purpose, mandatory visits to the museum have been introduced for all schools). They also began to hold traveling exhibitions in many countries around the world, where exhibits from the National Museum of China are temporarily exhibited.

Museum Features

The National Museum of China is a four-story building, the facade of which is decorated with 11 columns. The museum united, as previously mentioned, two other museums - the National Museum of Chinese History and the Museum of the Chinese Revolution. It should be noted that the museum was restored several times, during these changes its area was increased 3 times. The National Museum of China houses more than a million exhibits. There are exhibits here that cover the period of development of China from the earliest times to the present day. There is also a separate large hall where exhibitions of contemporary Chinese art are held, as well as exhibits showing the most modern and advanced achievements of Chinese scientific thought.

National Museum of China

Among the oldest exhibits in the museum are, of course, the remains of Yuanmou man; the age of the remains is approximately two million years. The museum also has many halls dedicated to the reign of various Chinese dynasties - Qin, Ding. In these halls there are busts, statues, and manuscripts of famous representatives of these dynasties. The National Museum of China houses exhibits dating back to the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods, which are over several thousand years old. Many halls are dedicated to Chinese painting, manuscripts, and Chinese literature. In the museum you can find many ancient objects made of various materials - porcelain, bronze, silver and gold. The museum is famous not only for its exhibits, but also for its exhibitions, where visitors can see the works of the most famous artists and sculptors from all over China.

The National Museum of China is a unique place where collections of treasures of Chinese history and art are collected. This place is recommended for all tourists arriving in China to visit. Its goal is to preserve and popularize the history and art of the People's Republic of China.

National Museum of China National Museum of China National Museum of China National Museum of China National Museum of China National Museum of China
National Museum of China - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 39.903611
Longitude: 116.395278


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