Gate of Heavenly Peace

The Gate of Heavenly Peace is known throughout the world; it represents the main entrance to the Imperial City, located in Beijing. This gate is a symbol of Chinese greatness and history, as well as the personification of the dynasties that have ruled China for a long time. The Gate is a popular tourist destination.

Gate of Heavenly Peace


The Gate of Heavenly Peace gate is associated with the Ming Dynasty, during construction it was called the Gate of Heavenly Inheritance. It should be noted that the gate was destroyed twice - the first time the gate was destroyed due to a lightning strike, the second time the gate was destroyed by peasants who rebelled under the leadership of Li Zicheng. At the beginning of the 17th century, the Qin dynasty began to own Beijing, which began to restore the destroyed structures of the city. In the 1960s, the Gate of Heavenly Peace underwent reconstruction - the facade was redone, new elements were added, and a water supply and heating system was installed, the most important change being the improvement of the building's load-bearing structures. This was done in order to protect the structure from frequent earthquakes that occur in this region of China.

Architectural features

The length of the Gate of Heavenly Peace is 66 meters, the width and height are 35 meters. The main tower was made from various elements - Chinese wood, glazed tiles. The corners of the Gate (cornices) have a special curved shape; according to the craftsmen who created this structure, this shape scared away evil spirits and prevented them from entering the building. There are also lion statues on the sides, performing similar functions. The center of the Gate is decorated with arches, through which at one time only the emperor was allowed to pass. A central bridge was erected for the emperor, and side bridges were erected for other family members. On the sides of the Gate of Heavenly Peace there are huge columns of marble.

Gate of Heavenly Peace

Entering the Gate and passing through it, the visitor finds himself inside the famous Imperial City. You can also go even further along the Jade Road and see the equally famous Gate of Honor and a copy of the Tiananmen Gate. At the very end, the visitor is greeted by the Midday Gate, entering which you find yourself inside the Forbidden City. A few words should be said about the practical meaning of the Gate. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the gate was where the emperor's decrees were pronounced, and it was also the place where the important ceremonial procession of sacrifice began, according to which the emperor began his journey to the Temple of Heaven and Earth, passing through this Gate. In the temples, the emperor performed sacrifices in honor of the deities.

The Gate of Heavenly Peace is an important monument to the history of the Chinese people. They amaze with their originality and architectural splendor. Residents of the People's Republic of China believe that they should not miss the opportunity to walk through the places where the emperors of China once passed. They are proud of their history and are glad that people from other countries choose their country to travel.

Gate of Heavenly Peace Gate of Heavenly Peace Gate of Heavenly Peace Gate of Heavenly Peace Gate of Heavenly Peace Gate of Heavenly Peace
Gate of Heavenly Peace - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 39.907222
Longitude: 116.391389


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