Horta Labyrinth

Horta Labyrinth is one of Barcelona's oldest parks, located on the Colcerol ridge. The park has neoclassical and romantic gardens. The territory of the gardens is cypress and decorated with deciduous arches. Among the plants of the park there are a lot of rare, such as: stone oaks, spherical eucalyptus, strawberry trees, camellias. At the moment, the park is a museum and only 750 people can enter it. This was done to preserve the park. Horta's maze is also known for filming one of the scenes of the film "Parfumer".

Horta Labyrinth

In 1791, Marquis Joan Anthony Desvalles and d’Arden decided to set up a neoclassical garden, to implement these plans he called the Italian architect Domenico Bagutti. Later, the territory of the park was expanded by Rogent, building an additionally romantic garden with an estimated number of flower beds. In 1880, the territory of the park increased due to the home garden broken near the Desvalles Palace. In the 19th century, it became a place in which all the secular faces of Barcelona sought, because performances and open-air concerts, as well as other cultural events, were held here. In 1967, the Desvalles family decided to transfer the park to the city authorities, who later opened access for everyone. Due to the large influx of visitors, it was decided in 1994 to restrict access to the park. Guell Park and Citadel Park are more accessible in this regard, so there are a large selection of places for recreation for guests and residents of Barcelona.

A large number of sculptures created for national reasons of different countries are located throughout the territory of the Labyrinth of Horta. In the lower terrace of the neoclassical garden there is a maze of shrubs measuring 45x48 meters, which gave the name to the park. At the entrance to the maze, visitors are greeted by statues of Ariadne, Theseus, as well as Eros. Above the mazes is a second terrace with pavilions built in Italian style with statues of Danai and Ariadne. On the upper terrace there is a pond, water enters it from the spring. The lower and middle terraces are separated by the Romantic Canal, at the end of which is the Island of Love".

Horta Labyrinth

In contrast to the neoclassical garden showing the theme of love, they built a romantic garden that reveals the theme of death. It even has a miniature cemetery. The entire territory of the garden is divided into sections of the tuber, near one of the sides there is a waterfall. In the garden you can enjoy peace, the noise of the waterfall, birdsong, the aromas of African lilies.

Horta Labyrinth Horta Labyrinth Horta Labyrinth Horta Labyrinth Horta Labyrinth Horta Labyrinth
Horta Labyrinth - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 41.440278
Longitude: 2.145556


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