Sagrada Familia

Sagrada Familia is one of the key attractions of Barcelona, which has been built at the expense of frequent talents since 1882. The temple is visited by more than 2 million tourists a year. Initially, the design of the temple was developed by Francisco del Villar, but a year later they invited Antonio Gaudi, who greatly changed the design of the temple.

Sagrada Familia

The first thoughts about the construction of the Sagrada Familia were back in 1874, and accepting a major donation, the initiators of the construction bought the site. The date of the start of construction is March 19, 1882, it was on this day that the first stone was laid in the foundation of the building. Architect Francisco del Villar wanted to make a neo-Gothic basis in the shape of a cross that formed 5 longitudinal and 3 transverse nerfs, and he also designed an apse of 7 chapels. But the customers did not like it, and after a short dispute, Francisco left and Antonio Gaudi came to his place. Gaudi revised the apse project, leaving only the Latin cross, according to his idea, the building should be crowned with a large number of towers, and the jewelry on them should be associated with biblical motifs.

In 1892, the construction of the facade of Christmas began. In 1895, the construction of the apse was completed. After the death of the architect, his assistant Domenek Sugranes set to work. who completed the construction of all the bells of the Christmas facade. Due to the fire, many Gaudi drawings burned down in 1936, but soon some of them still managed to be restored. In 1854, the construction of the facade of passions began, describing the torment of Christ during the crucifixion. Its construction was completed only in 1986. According to the Spanish authorities, it will be possible to build a completely temple only in 2026. The Sagrada Familia cannot be built faster because the temple needs stone blocks that are individually processed and customized separately.

Sagrada Familia

Gaudi knew that he could not build the Temple of the Holy Family until his death, so he had planned the interior of the temple in advance. He avoided straight lines in every possible way and this led to the publication of hyperboloid, paraboloid, ellipsoid structures. The interior of the temple is completely subject to geometric laws. The main bearing component in the structure are columns that distribute the mass of towers and arches. All the sculptures of the facade "Christmas" are made in natural size. To portray the beating scene of babies, Gaudi made gypsum casts from stillborn children. When taking casts from eivotnye, he previously introduced them into a state of sleep with chloroform. In addition to the scale of the cathedral itself, the detail of the stools in the Temple of the Holy Family is also impressive. For a long time, Antonio Gaudi spent on the study of acoustics, thereby creating the ideal system of bells in his opinion.

The Temple of the Holy Family is even unfinished. The fate of the temple is similar to the Eiffel Tower. One townspeople did not pay attention, others praised, some scolded, calling it a "stone nightmare". Now it has become the main attraction of Barcelona. Every day, Sagrada Familia comes to sweater up to 10,000 tourists. Entrance to the temple itself costs 13 euros, but you can watch the temple for free from the outside.

Sagrada Familia Sagrada Familia Sagrada Familia Sagrada Familia Sagrada Familia Sagrada Familia
Sagrada Familia - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 41.403611
Longitude: 2.174444


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