
Brief description of the country

Spain is located in Southern Europe. Its area is more than 505 thousand square kilometers. In terms of population, the country ranks 30th in the world. More than 47 million people live here.

About 30 million tourists visit the country of flamenco and bullfighting every year. The Canary and Balearic Islands are called paradise for a beach holiday. Also, travelers are attracted by ski resorts with well-equipped slopes. The climate is subtropical. The summer is hot and rainfall is rare. In winter, there are no sharp temperature drops, and the swimming season lasts from early summer to mid-autumn.

The Spaniards are very friendly and like to gesticulate while talking. And if during a conversation they touch the shoulder, this means an arrangement for a person. The prestige of restaurants can be determined by the forks on the sign. The bigger, the better. Sangria is considered the national drink. It is made from semi-sweet red wine. Ice and fruits are added to the cocktail.

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