Palace in Orchha

Orchha Palace is considered the main historical landmark of the fort city of Orchha. Inside the walls of the fort there is a palace complex consisting of the Raj Mahal Palace, the Jahangir Mahal Palace and the Sheesh Mahal Palace. The complex is located between two rivers, to get into it you need to cross an ancient brick bridge.

Palace in Orchha

History of creation

Orchha was founded in the 16th century. on the Betwa River and a little later became the main city of the Principality of Bundenkhand. The city flourished in the 17th century until a revolt arose against the rule of the Great Mughals. Shah Jahan brutally suppressed him. Raja left Orchha. Gradually the city began to fall into disrepair, turning from a capital into an ordinary provincial settlement. Many buildings were abandoned, but the Orchha Palace retained its former grandeur.

One of the attraction complexes ─ Raj Mahal Palace is a fortified residence of the Rajah. The outer walls are like fortresses, blank, with narrow loopholes. Raj Mahal became famous for its magnificent wall paintings. Picturesque, vibrant scenes of Indian mythology, reincarnations of the god Vishnu, hunting, celebrations with the participation of dancers, musicians and magicians attract interest and arouse the admiration of tourists. Later, images of the British were added to some walls.

Palace in Orchha

The palace was built by Maharaja Madhukar Shah in 1591. The construction of the Orchha Palace is made in the Indo-Saracenic architectural style, popular in that era. The palace is divided into the Maharaja's quarters and the women's quarters. Each half has its own courtyard. Along the perimeter of the courtyard there are arched galleries with balconies, turrets and domes on top. The palace is not very well preserved. They say that there are dungeons under the palace, but tourists are not allowed access there.

On the lower floor of the palace there is a small museum. Behind there are stalls for camels.

Main attractions

The Jahangir Mahal Palace was rebuilt by the ruler of Orchha, Bir Singh Deo, at the beginning of the 17th century especially for the visit of the great Mughal Emperor Jahangir. The construction of the Palace in Orchha lasted more than 20 years. When the emperor arrived, Bir Singh gave him a palace. Jahangir spent only one night there.

The grandiose structure in the Orchha Palace, which has 5 tiers, is decorated with numerous towers, gazebos, terraces and galleries. From its height there is a wonderful view of the surrounding area and the park; the cenotaphs (tombstones) of the imperial family on the river bank are clearly visible. Tourists compare the decoration of the palace with a fairy tale or a computer game about the Prince of Persia.

Shish Mahal was considered the palace of the maharaja's wife; in some guidebooks it is called the "raja's bedroom." It currently houses a hotel with the same name, offering its services at fairly high prices.

The Raj Mahal Palace regularly hosts a light and sound show. It is a radio performance during which the palace arches are effectively illuminated. The theme of the play is the historical past, where the Palace in Orchha occupies a special place.

Palace in Orchha Palace in Orchha Palace in Orchha Palace in Orchha Palace in Orchha Palace in Orchha
Palace in Orchha - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 25.35
Longitude: 78.64


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