Palace of Catalan Music

The Palace of Catalan Music was built by the architect Lluis Domènech i Montaner. In Barcelona, a magnificent structure built in the Art Nouveau architectural style rises above the Sant Pere quarter. The style implies a pronounced predominance of dynamics over statics, curved outlines over straight ones, decoration in the form of elegant ornaments.

Palace of Catalan Music

Description of the Palace of Catalan Music

The facade is distinguished by a harmonious interweaving of details of different architectural styles, including traditional Catalan and fancy Arabic. The second tier of the facade is decorated with two columns, lined with bright tiles of different colors. The columns end with original candelabra.

Above the columns there are busts of the greatest composers – Bach, Wagner, Beethoven and Pierluigi da Palestrina. There is also a sculpture by M. Bligh, symbolizing a Catalan popular song. The top of the façade is lined with mosaics depicting members of the Orfeo Catala choir.

Palace of Catalan Music

An interesting fact is that the Palace of Catalan Music was built around a metal frame, which made it possible to create large halls and halls.

The concert hall can accommodate more than 2 thousand spectators. The hall is illuminated by daylight; this lighting practice was used for the first time in the world, and is the only one so far. The vault in the form of an inverted dome is decorated with mosaics. At the center it is golden in color and symbolizes the sun, on the sides it is blue and symbolizes the sky. The walls of the hall are decorated with multi-colored stained glass windows. Daylight, refracted by colored mosaics, creates an extraordinary mysterious atmosphere in the hall.

The hall contains sculptures made by masters at the beginning of the 20th century. Among them, the composition that shows the flight of the Valkyries based on a plot from Wagner’s opera stands out. The Catalan flag is placed in the middle of the stage of the Palace of Catalan Music. There are 18 female sculptures installed right on the stage, symbolizing the muses of Ancient Greece. A white organ is visible above the stage. His enchanting sounds have been captivating the hearts of listeners for many years.

In addition to the Concert Hall, there are 2 more halls used for chamber concerts. The halls have excellent acoustics, the quality of which is improved by modern technologies. In the Rehearsal Hall, in a place of honor lies a stone that was once laid at the beginning of construction.

The history of the creation of the Palace of Catalan Music

Initially it was planned to build a building for rehearsals and concerts of the local choir "Orfeo Catala" for the opening of the International Exhibition of 1888. The repertoire of the group consisted primarily of works by Catalan authors. The work on the project was carried out by the architect L. Domenech i Montaner. The building was built from 1905 to 1908 using private donations.

The Palace of Catalan Music aroused genuine admiration among those present at the opening. First, the sacrament of consecration was performed, and then there was a concert by the Orfeo choir.

A year later, the City Council awarded the architect an honorary gold medal, and the Palace was recognized as the best building of the year. But over the next few years, numerous shortcomings were revealed. The main one was the unusual acoustics. The building even received the offensive nickname “Palace of Catalan Garbage”. The sounds of the concert were sometimes drowned out by the ringing of bells from nearby churches and the usual street noise. But no changes were made for a long time.

In a short time, the Palace transformed from a choir rehearsal room into the best concert hall in Barcelona. Many world celebrities have performed within the walls of the Palace, such as Montserrat Caballe, Jacques Thibault, Wanda Landowska and many, many others.

The Palace's repertoire represents a wide range of musical works, from classical to jazz, from ancient Catalan to ultra-modern arrangements.

In 1971, the Palace received the status of a National Monument. In 1982-1989, the Palace underwent a grandiose restoration under the leadership of the architect O. Tusquets. Then an additional 6-story building was added. It housed dressing rooms, an archive and a library. From 2006 to 2008, restoration was carried out again, affecting the elements of the facade. In 1997, the Palace of Catalan Music was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. More than half a million people visit the Palace of Catalan Music every year.

Palace of Catalan Music Palace of Catalan Music Palace of Catalan Music Palace of Catalan Music Palace of Catalan Music Palace of Catalan Music
Palace of Catalan Music - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 41.3875
Longitude: 2.175


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