Huasteca Potosina

Huasteca-Potosina is called the land of fabulous nature, rushing mountain rivers and picturesque waterfalls. This place is worth a visit for those who dream of walking through the jungle and admiring the waterfalls. It is considered one of the most remote tourist destinations in Mexico, but its beauty is simply mesmerizing and cannot leave anyone indifferent.

Huasteca Potosina

Description of Huasteca Potosina

It represents an extraordinary natural complex, which contains many waterfalls, which are the main “treasure of this region.” Also in Huasteque Potosina you can see ancient karst caves and a whole scattering of river tributaries. Speaking about local attractions, one cannot fail to mention the local “star”. We are talking about the Tamul waterfall, which is located at the junction of two large rivers. To visit the waterfall, you need to travel upstream of the river, cross on ancient Indian boats - canoes, and then the indescribable beauty of unusual local places will appear before you. You can take a dip in the blue water, which turns milky in the sun.

Features of Huasteca-Potosina

In addition to waterfalls, the territory of Huasteca Potosina is home to a large number of other natural sites - karst caves, river jungles, as well as unrivaled local entertainment, including bungee jumping for children and adults, wooden bridges between two rivers, as well as local dishes - The rivers contain a huge amount of fish, which local fishermen bring to local restaurants and cafes. For lovers of extreme sensations, there are 2 types of entertainment - going down turbulent rivers on special boats, walking through karst caves with special alpine equipment. Before the start of such “entertainment”, the instructors will definitely have a conversation with each person and remind them and show them how to properly follow the safety rules.

Huasteca Potosina

If you like unusual natural sites, then Huasteca Potosina is exactly what you need. Here you can enjoy the numerous beauties of nature that the beautiful and sunny country of Mexico is so rich in. You can get there from Mexico City by plane, and then take a taxi or rent a car.

Huasteca Potosina Huasteca Potosina
Huasteca Potosina - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 23.14036
Longitude: -99.278812


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