Ukraine: attractions and places of interest

Mariinsky Park

Mariinsky Park is a magnificent park in the center of Kiev near the Mariinsky Palace and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The park was founded back in 1874 under the direction of the gardener Nedzelsky A. G. Previously, there was a palace square on the site of Mariinsky Park, where military parades t...

Potemkin Stairs

The Potemkin Stairs is the most important attraction of Odessa, which is a ladder towards the sea. From its top you can see the whole Gulf of Odessa, the port and the harbor. From the foundation of Odessa, she needed a good attack on the sea, because the port was in the lowland, and the city itself...

Yavorivskyi National Park

In Yavorivskyi district of the Lviv region is Yavorovsky National Park, spread over 71 km2. The park was created to preserve and recreate the unique forest-steppe landscapes in this region. On the south side of the park is the "Rastoch" reserve, on the north side is the landscape park "Ravskoye Ras...

Lutsk castle

Lutsk Castle is one of several well-preserved medieval castles in Ukraine. It is an architectural monument and the oldest building in the city of Lutsk. In total there were 2 castles in Lutsk: Okolny and Verkhniy, connected to each other. It is believed that the castle was built in 1340, but there ...

Skole Beskids

Skole Beskids - the national park of Ukraine in the Carpathians, spread over an area of 352 km2. Designed to preserve unique spruce forests and protected tract. In the Skolevsky Beskydy National Park you can see the Kamenetsky and Gurkalo waterfalls. There is also the historical and cultural reserv...


Pilipets is a village in the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine, known for its beautiful mountain landscapes, as well as well-equipped infrastructure for ski holidays. Near the village there is a mountain range of Borzhava canvases, in which the nearest Gemba mountains ( 1497 meters ), Magura-Zhide ...

Sofiyivka Park

Sofievka Park is a huge national dendrological park in the city of Uman in the territory and plant diversity. It is a very popular place among citizens and visitors. Sophia was laid by Polish Count Stanislav Pototsky to give his wife a birthday. In 1802, the park was ready for the names of Sofia Wi...


Nivki - a park-monument of landscape gardening in Kiev. The thread consists of the western and eastern parts, which the railway conditionally shares. The park in this place was organized in 1972. During the time of the Russian Empire, these lands belonged to Governor General Illarion Vasilchikov an...


Desnyansko-Starogutsky is the national natural park of Ukraine, located in the Sumy region. The park was created to preserve the unique landscapes of the Left Bank Polesya. The total area of the natural park is 162 km2, which is divided into 3 zones by functional value: a protected area, a recreati...


Goverla is the highest point in Ukraine, located in the Carpathians near the Romanian border. In cloudless weather, you can see the cities from the top of the mountain: Snyatin, Ivano-Frankivsk, Sigeta-Marmacy. The top of the mountain is located at an altitude of 2061 meters. At the very foot of th...

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