
Desnyansko-Starogutsky is the national natural park of Ukraine, located in the Sumy region. The park was created to preserve the unique landscapes of the Left Bank Polesya.


The total area of the natural park is 162 km2, which is divided into 3 zones by functional value: a protected area, a recreation area and a business area. The park is located in the valley of the Desna River. In the Pridesnyansky part of the park there are many marshy areas, lakes and old river channels ( old people ) and tributaries. Here, natural complexes are especially well preserved. The Starogut part of the park is almost completely covered with forests. Here the rivers Chern and Ulichka flow.

Desnyansko-Starogut National Park has a very rich flora and fauna. Over 800 species of vascular plants are registered here, of which 22 are very rare. Flora varies greatly in different parts of the park. In the Pridesnyansky part, mainly meadow and marshy vegetation grows. Of rare plants, it is worth noting a reed, Siberian roosters, a water nut, a reed, a salvine, a plauenum. Mostly pine trees grow in forests, oak groves are found in places. The old-town part of the park is 80% occupied by forests, the rest is covered with meadows and swamps. Swamp cotton, violet, wolf body grow in swamps, you can also see rare species of willows.


The fauna of the national park is represented by 313 species of vertebrates. From the birds here you can see - storks, skop, eagles, cranes, dummies, swords, nerks, norks, otters, bison, lynxes, bears, foxes often come across from animals. 35 species of fish live in local rivers and lakes. 207 species of feathered live in the park, and thanks to the abundance of pine forests, you can meet representatives of the rainforests here. By the way, the symbol of the park is the son. During the migration, huge flocks of geese, kuliki, ducks stop in the park, and gulls are also common.

Desnyansko-Starogut National Park is located in an environmentally friendly area, which attracts many vacationers here. For them, they arranged places for tents, 2 recreation centers, summer wagons. For convenience, all sightseeing trails are marked. On the territory of the park there is a historical monument located on the site of the base of the detachment of partisans who fought here in 1942. The park attracts large numbers of mushroom pickers, fishermen, water lovers, as well as hunters. There are many game and fur animals, but you can only hunt outside the park.

Desna-Starohutskyi Desna-Starohutskyi Desna-Starohutskyi Desna-Starohutskyi Desna-Starohutskyi Desna-Starohutskyi
Desna-Starohutskyi - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 52.326389
Longitude: 33.664444


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