Mexico: attractions and places of interest


Bonampak is located in the Mexican state of Chiapas, on the border with Guatemala, in the valley of the Lacanja River. It is 25 kilometers south of Yaxchilan. It was found in 1946 by photographer Giles Healy thanks to the help of local residents - the Lacandon Mayans. After the end of the Second Wor...

Archaeological Zone of El Rey

The archaeological zone of El Rey is a fairly popular place; it is visited by several thousand tourists from different countries every year. Mexico is home to a huge number of archaeological sites that annually attract millions of people, who are one of the main sources of income for the entire stat...

Archaeological zone of El Meco

The archaeological zone of El Meco is located on the territory of Cancun, more precisely 10 km from its central part of the city. There is more than one such area in the vicinity of Cancun, but it is El Meco that stands out for its history and unique atmosphere. The zone also stands out in that it i...


Palenke is the ruins of the ancient city of Maya, located in the northeastern part of Chiapas in Mexico. The second name of the city of Lakamha, translated as "Great Water". The city flourished until the 3-8th century when it was the Mayan cultural and political center, but then it fell into decay ...


Tulum is the best-preserved Mayan city on the Yucatan Peninsula, built long before the opening of Columbus of America. Nowadays, the city is divided into 3 parts: historical, resort and directly the city itself, which grew at the expense of tourists. The ruins of the city are located on the picture...

Sac Actun

The city of Tulum has one of the largest cave systems in the world - Sak-Aktun, second only to the Mamont cave. In total, the total length of the moves reaches 317 km, of which only 6 km is not flooded with water. The cave chain was opened in 1987 and those researchers added new sites to Sak-Aktun. ...


Coba – is the ruins of an ancient Mexican city that belonged to the Mayan civilization. One of the main advantages of Koba is the lack of influx of tourists, which makes it possible to relax from the bustle of the city and enjoy the oldest civilization from the heart, because its spirit is present i...


Paricutin – is a young volcano in Mexico, which is one of the main natural attractions of this country. The history of his education sounds especially interesting. A hasty occurrence gives the right to determine Parikutin among the true wonders of the whole world. This volcano is only 70 years old,...

Monte Alban

Among beautiful Mexico, on the southeast side, you can see an amazing ancient settlement, which belongs to the pre-Columbian era and is known as Monte Alban. Next to it is the capital of the same name in Oaxaca, and the attraction itself is located on top of the plateau, from where wonderful natural...

Cave of Swallows

The Cave of Swallows is an unusual cave among the tropics in central Mexico. It has a very large depth and is the second in the country in depth, and in the world ranking it takes 11th place. The cave goes down about 376 meters. The entrance to the Swallow cave itself has the appearance of a large ...

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