Mexico: attractions and places of interest

National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City

The National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City is one of the most visited attractions. As you know, the capital of Mexico, Mexico City, is known to many people as the center of “gravity” of Latin culture and the entire business sector of the region. Mexico City is a large metropolis with a huge ...

Frida Kahlo Museum

The Frida Kahlo Museum was opened in memory of the talented Mexican artist. This is further proof that culture and creativity are developed in the country. Local residents explain this by saying that Mexicans are descendants of Indians, who were highly interested in creativity. It is not surprising ...

Soumaya Museum

The Soumaya Museum is one of the most visited attractions in Mexico. The country is famous for the fact that it combines traditional Indian and modern culture, which has allowed the creation of many archaeological zones, as well as a huge number of museum networks that attract hundreds of thousands ...

Monte Alban

Monte Alban is the ancient capital of the Zapotecs, which is located in the state of Oaxaca in southwestern Mexico. The archaeological site covers 4 square kilometers of rocky peaks and hills, the height of which exceeds 400 meters. Soon after its founding in 500 BC, Monte Alban reached the size of ...

Copper Canyon

Copper Canyon is one of the most popular places in Mexico; it is famous far beyond the borders of the beautiful and sunny country. Photos with the Canyon in the background, as well as films, footage of which were taken from this very place, can be found on various Internet sites. Local residents gre...

Cathedral in Mexico City

The Mexico City Cathedral is recognized as one of the largest cathedrals in America. It is located on top of a hill in the city center. Together with the Sagrario Metropolitano and the National Palace, the cathedral forms a majestic ensemble of the central square of the Mexican capital. Its height i...

Isla Mujeres

Isla Mujeres is a piece of paradise near the coast of Cancun. It offers tropical isolation away from the bustling city and resorts, with incredible views of the surrounding Caribbean Sea. The island offers a variety of activities including shopping, swimming and sunbathing on its pristine sandy beac...

Interactive aquarium in Cancun

The interactive aquarium in Cancun is famous for its abundance of exhibits; hundreds of thousands of tourists visit it every year. It is located in the building of the popular shopping center "La Isla". Here you can feed dolphins, swim with sharks and take photos with sea lions. There is a show ever...

Trotsky's House

Trotsky's house is located in the Coyoacan district, which is now part of Mexico City. It is believed that this is where he lived the last months of his life. The figure of the Soviet Union was known not only in the territory of the former Union, but also beyond its borders. During the crisis, he wa...

Palace of Arts in Mexico City

The Palace of Arts in Mexico City is visited every year by hundreds of thousands of local residents and tourists from different countries. It hosts performing arts events, literary evenings and various exhibitions. Society considers Mexico City the center of Mexico, because there are a huge number o...

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