Indonesia: attractions and places of interest

Pura Tanah Lot

The Temple of Pura Tanah Lot is located on the territory of the Indonesian island of Bali on an elevating rock, washed by the sea from all sides. Translated, it means so: « a temple standing in the sea ». The temple was built in the form of a pagoda, as a symbol of the sacred abode of the gods. Pura...

Lorenz National Park

Lorenz – is a national reserve located in the province of Papua, owned by Indonesia. The area of the park is 25,056 km2. The uniqueness of Lorentz lies in the fact that it owns a diverse ecosystem, which includes coastlines, swamps, mountain ranges along with its pristine forests, mangroves, glacier...

Komodo National Park

Komodo is a national park, the location of which is the Indonesian archipelago, which belongs to the Small Zond Islands. The main goal of creating the reserve in 1980 – is to save the population of dragons from this island, which are huge lizards of varan. Komodo Natural Park is also protected by UN...

Bogor Botanical Gardens

In the city of Bogor, which belongs to Indonesia, the largest, as well as the oldest botanical garden, both this country and the whole world, is located. This wonderful Bogor Garden is located near the Salak volcano. His fame has long left the borders of Indonesia. The year of foundation of the gar...


Prambanan – Hinduism Temple Complex, which is located in Indonesia on the island of Java. This is the greatest stone structure, from afar similar to the rocks. Having looked closer, you can see the beauty of the stone complex created by human hands, with temples of different sizes. This complex, 50 ...


Borobudur Temple – is a unique temple building located in the Indonesian province of Central Java. It was erected between 750 and 850 years by the Sylendra dynasty. The name of the temple in translation sounds like « a sanctuary on a hill ». Nowadays, the Borobudur Temple – is a very famous attracti...

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