Indonesia: attractions and places of interest

Volcano Rinjani

Rinjani is a volcano, also considered one of the highest points in Indonesia, located on the island of Lombok. Despite the fact that this is a valid volcano, ascents are regularly organized to its top. The last activity of the volcano was observed in 2015, it was accompanied by the release of the as...

Goa Lawah

The Goa Lawah Temple, located in the Klunkung district, Bali province, the temple is considered one of the main « shrines of the world » or holy places of worship of Bali. The temple is built around a large cave in which bats or bats live, in honor of them it is named « bats cave ». Temple history ...

Goa Gajah

Goa Gajah or the elephant cave is a temple complex on the island of Bali. The complex includes several more caves, ancient statues, images of spirits carved on the rocks and a bathhouse. The opening of this place for the general public took place in 1954 and since then it has been very popular with ...

Volcano Krakatoa

Krakatoa – is a functioning volcano located on the island of the same name, located in the Gulf of Zonda not very far from the island of Java. By the way, it is believed that the strait was formed precisely because of the actions of the volcano. Most of all, Krakatoa is famous for its unpredictable ...

Volcano Bromo

Volcano Bromo is one of the brightest attractions of East Java, many people climb 2329 meters annually to enjoy sunrise. Bromo — a real active volcano, scientists constantly monitor its activity. National Park The Bromo volcano is part of Indonesia's national park, the park includes three volcanoe...

Bukit Lawang

Bukit Lawang settlement in the north of Sumatra, all conditions are created for tourists here: numerous hotels and gesthouseys, cafes and restaurants, as attractions here is the well-known center for the rehabilitation of orangutans, a cave with bats, a raging river Bohorok and a thicket of the jung...

Ubud Monkey Forest

The forest of monkeys in Ubud is a reserve and an important temple complex of Hindus on the island of Bali in Indonesia. Officially, the name of the reserve sounds like a sacred secret forest of monkeys. The forest of monkeys covers an area of approximately 10 hectares. But even this small territor...


Bali is an amazingly beautiful island of the Small Zond Islands in Indonesia. Its attractions attract millions of tourists annually. The island is quite large, its area is 5780 km2. The average annual temperature of air and water in the ocean is at around 26 ° C. The climate in Bali brightly sets a...

Tirta Gangga

On the island of Bali, near the town of Karangasem, there is the amazing water palace of Tyrta Ganga. The name of the palace literally translates as "sacred waters of the Ganga River" and attracts tourists with a magnificent garden surrounded by fountains and ponds. The palace complex was built on ...

Mentawai Islands

The Mentawai Islands – is a set of islands located in Indonesia. These places are appreciated for their savagery, lack of civilization, including hotels, clubs, restaurants. This area is plundered by real connoisseurs of natural beauty, they run away from the bustle of the city. Mentauvai – is just...

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