Cambodia: attractions and places of interest

Koch Ker

The Koh Ker Temple Complex is located in Cambodia. On the territory of the artificial reservoir of Rohal, a hundred temples and shrines were erected. The temples were built in honor of the god Shiva, who was the main in the dominant religion. Construction took place under the leadership of King Jaya...

Preah Vihear Temple

Preah Vihear Temple is located in the picturesque area of Cambodia on top of the cliff of the Dangrek mountain range right near the border with Thailand. From the height of the temple, magnificent views of the surroundings open in the eye. The temple complex was built in the 11-12 centuries during t...

Silver Pagoda

Silver Pagoda – is the most important architectural object that has come to us since 1896. The temple belongs to the valuable historical buildings of Phnom Penh, which belongs to Cambodia. The founder of the Silver Pagoda is King Norodom Sihanouk, who ruled in those days. The design has a very orig...

Banteay Srei

In the town of Siem Reap, which is located in Cambodia, there is an ensemble of temples called Banteaysrei or Bantiei Sray, which literally means « Citadel of Women ». This ensemble was erected in honor of the Hindu god Shiva, even when the reign of Rajendravarman II back in 967. But fame, Banteaysr...


Angkor is once the capital of the Khmer empire in the 9-15 centuries. The scale of the city is striking 24 by 8 kilometers, here you can see many monuments of ancient art, for example: Angkor-Tkhom temples, Prea-Kan. Located about 240 km from the current capital of Cambodia, Phnom Penh. In fact, An...

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