Mount Kenya

Kenya is the highest mountain named after the country in which it is located. It is famous for its highest point at 5199 meters. The best views are revealed from the top of the mountain. Today this mountain is popular among hikers and climbers.

Mount Kenya

Basic information

Mount Kenya is located in the central part of the country, south of the equator, northeast of Nairobi. There are 11 glaciers on the mountain, which are rapidly melting, due to which most of the country is supplied with water. And the next 4 peaks located at the entrance, the slopes of the mountains are literally strewn with flowers, and different types of birds delight the eyes of tourists. The beauty of the rocks is amazing, it is complemented by many streams with crystal clear water, these rocks are one of the most beloved places for climbers. By the way, there are quite a lot of tourists who like to climb rocks. Someone considers himself a professional climber and climbs higher, while someone at a height of 200 m can already observe the best views of Kenya.

Sights of Mount Kenya

During the ascent to Mount Kenya, you can see a lot of natural beauties, for example: Lake Nakuru, the Masai Mara reserve, the Clock Tower, the Jomo Kenyata Mausoleum and much more.

Mount Kenya

Mount Kenya National Park

Mount Kenya has been a national park since 1949. In this park, you can visit the mineral springs that amaze with their beauty, observe the animal and plant worlds. Rhinos, hyenas, baboons, forest pigs and many others live here. There are more than 5 thousand wild plants here. Of some, ointments and medicines are produced, some are even eaten, this is especially popular among wild tribes (Masai, Embu, Ameru and others). An interesting fact about the streams of Mount Kenya. These streams are constantly in flow, unlike the lowland rivers, since in summer most of the streams are filled due to rains, these streams take their supplies thanks to glaciers.


To get to the highest point of this Mount Kenya, you need to have quite impressive physical fitness, and good equipment, since this path is not easy. The first and most difficult points to reach are the Ring Trail and Chogoria, you should also not forget about accommodation for the night, there are no huts at this height, so you should take a tent and a sleeping bag with you. The next point is Naro Moru, and finally the summit of Mount Nairobi. The best time for such trips is from August to September.

Mount Kenya Mount Kenya Mount Kenya Mount Kenya Mount Kenya Mount Kenya
Mount Kenya - geographical coordinates
Latitude: -0.15
Longitude: 37.3


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