Promenade des Anglais

Promenade des Anglais is a real attraction not only, beloved by tourists, the city of Nice, but throughout France. This area has fallen into the soul of many vacationers. Amazing walking along the coast remains in memory for life.

Promenade des Anglais

Before, the English embankment was not remarkable. It was an ordinary empty beach, and human houses settled far from the sea. In the XVIII century, this territory was noticed by the British, who actively began to populate it, hiding from evil winters in Albion. But not only the wealthy British gathered in this area, but also the poor. Another harsh winter, funds were organized here that made it possible to employ the unemployed. It was at that time that the famous English embankment began to settle in. This embankment in Nice was so much to the liking of the local authorities that they immediately organized mass work aimed at reincarnating the area in « the pearl of the city ». In 1844, the embankment got its name, which sounds like Promenade des Anglais.

Today, the English embankment holds wonderful buildings that were erected here at the end of the XIX — early XX centuries. There are also luxurious restaurants, cozy cafes, various shops, exhibition pavilions, hotels. The most famous chic hotel on the coast is the Hotel Negresco, which is usually plundered by the richest and most famous guests.

Promenade des Anglais

On the embankment is also the Museum of Fine Arts, Ollieres Castle, which was erected for Prince Lobanov-Rostovsky, Chateau de la Tour castle.

Here, by the sea itself, the desires of even the richest and most picky are fulfilled. In these parts, the azure sea with its white sands on the shores, magnificent palm trees, luxury villas, expensive boutiques simply lures. Under blue umbrellas by the sea usually sit in full parade, with a solemn view, admiring the blue waves of the bay. Around the ladies walk under their arm with their gentlemen or cyclists ride.

The English promenade is always happy to meet guests. Many festivals, carnivals and exhibitions are usually held here.

Promenade des Anglais Promenade des Anglais Promenade des Anglais Promenade des Anglais Promenade des Anglais Promenade des Anglais
Promenade des Anglais - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 43.691111
Longitude: 7.2475


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