Arc de Triomphe

The Arc de Triomphe – is an excellent architectural monument, which is a grand majestic building. She is the heart of the Champs Elysees, and more than ten Parisian streets originate in her foundations.

Arc de Triomphe

The construction of such an not quite ordinary construction began in 1806. The idea of erecting a triumphal arch in Paris belongs to Napoleon, who decided to coincide with its Great Army, after several prosperous military operations. The place where the Arc de Triomphe should be located was repeatedly disputed, but, in the end, they decided that it should be a kind of entrance of the well-known Champs Elysees, near the Square of the Star itself. In 1836, the opening of this architectural monument took place.

The design of the Arc de Triomphe was entrusted to the famous architect Shalgren, who decided to create it, adhering to the laws of antiquity. The creator took the arches that the ancient Romans built as the basis.

Arc de Triomphe

The Arc de Triomphe has a rather funny story, which is associated with the wedding of Napoleon with the Austrian chosen one. On his wedding day, he wanted to ride with his wife under the arch without fail, but the construction at that time was very small. The archaeologist immediately figured out how to get out of the situation, he erected a model of the arch from the tree and painted it. It was under such a Arc de Triomphe that Napoleon and his young wife stopped by in Paris.

Finally, work on the construction of the arch was completed by 1836, when the construction rose by as much as 50 meters, and its width reached 45 meters.

In 1840, under the famous arch, a mournful demonstration took place, accompanying Napoleon's body on the last journey.

In 1921, an unknown fighter was buried at the Arc de Triomphe, who was the first to leave the soldier during World War I. It was at his grave, after a while, that eternal fire was arranged.

Inside the arch there is a room that serves as a museum. Here the history of the entire Arc de Triomphe, as well as the names of 558 brave generals, is saved. The decoration of the arch is 128 bas-reliefs, which carry the meaning of the revolutionary era.

Tourists, if desired, can climb to the very top of the Arc de Triomphe, from where a wonderful view of impeccable Paris opens.

Arc de Triomphe Arc de Triomphe Arc de Triomphe Arc de Triomphe Arc de Triomphe Arc de Triomphe
Arc de Triomphe - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 48.873889
Longitude: 2.294722


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