Temple of Vesta in Rome
The Temple of Vesta in Rome is recognized as one of the most ancient buildings in Italy. Vesta is one of the most revered goddesses in the pantheon of Ancient Rome, the patroness of the hearth and family. Both women and men treated her with great respect. It was considered a great honor to serve in her household. The temple named after her was of great importance, and today it has not lost interest from the society.

Presumably, the beginning of the construction of the Temple of Vesta in Rome refers to the early period of history, the royal one. The first buildings were laid in the 7th century BC. Endlessly blazing fires destroyed the building many times, and the hard-working townspeople rebuilt it again.
The final appearance of the Temple of Vesta in Rome was acquired later: a round structure with a white marble facade surrounded by twenty Corinthian columns, standing on a podium. At the beginning of our era, the flame devours the shrine again, but, as before, the Temple of Vesta in Rome is being restored. The elements could not destroy the man-made beauty, but other times have come. The persecution of the pagans began and Theodosius 1, who ruled in the 4th century, forbids worship. Ancient beliefs are becoming a thing of the past, the temple is collapsing.

The ruins were found during archaeological excavations in 1877.
What's left
The ruins in the area of the former forum are by no means well preserved. However, according to them, experienced specialists recreate the appearance of the sanctuary. Time erased the name of the architect who created the masterpiece, but he was talented. To date, the podium and three columns that stood on it have been preserved. A fragment of the facade was found not far from the temple, behind the fence.
The central detail of the Temple of Vesta in Rome ─ shrines. A sacred fire was bred in it, the smoke of which came out through a hole in the roof. According to legend, under the hearth there was a hiding place for the statue of the goddess Pallas, thrown by Zeus to the ground. The statue ended up in Troy, and then mysteriously moved to Rome. Some myths attribute this merit to Odysseus, others to Aeneas. The Romans did not care how it happened, the main thing is she is with them, protects from troubles. The place of storage of the amulet was kept in the deepest secret, known only to the Vestals and the Great Pontiff. As long as the shrine of the Temple of Vesta in Rome is inviolable, nothing threatens the capital.
The main task of the Vestal Virgins is to maintain the sacred fire in the hearth around the clock, kindled by friction or through magnifying glasses from the sun. The natural character of fire is an important moment of cult rites.
House of the Vestal Virgins
Unfortunately, everything that remains of it is fragmentary: the walls, the atrium, the bases of the columns. Each column once ended with a sculpture of a Vestal Virgin. During the excavations, 12 sculptures of varying degrees of preservation were found.
The six priestesses for the Temple of Vesta in Rome were chosen from the daughters of patricians who were between 6 and 10 years old. They will live at the temple for 30 years. The first decade - training, the next - they themselves acted as teachers. Only the latter was devoted to the greatest service. The names of many Vestal Virgins were known, and statues were erected to them.
Girls must be pure and follow the vow of celibacy throughout the years of service to the goddess. Those who violated were buried alive. The violator went to the grave herself. The seducer was beaten to death with rods.